Nutrients How to use these nutrients, please.


Still learning a lot!
Cultivators Club
Nov 1, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
VAPING: Go-Go Auto, Bloody Skunk Auto, Cream Mandarine Auto, Deez Nugs, 24Caratx3BOG, amazingly-tasty-unkown-strain
Hi, a friend bought these "hydro" nutrients to use in coco coir but we aren't sure about something, we hope someone can help us here.

They come in 2 bottles. Label just mentions ppms and how to prepare the solution for each bottle, but doesn't mention which to feed first, or if they can be mixed or what... so, should we prepare the two separate solutions and feed one after the other? which would go first (bottle 1 or 2) or... can we mix them? It doesnt seem to be a normal part A +b nute does it? How would you feed these nutes?

bottle 1 contains: N-P-K-Ca-Mg
bottle 2 contains: S-Fe-Cu-Zn-Mn-Mo-B

ppm's are labeled as:
N 180 ppm
P 75
K 210
Ca 120
Mg 40
S 80
Fe 4
B 0.5
Cu 0.04
Zn 0.18
Mn 0.6
Mo 0.02

We don't know the sources, but were told we could use these nutes in coco, and they are marketed here as a hydro nute.

I will be getting some MC for my own grow, but my friend already bought these nutes for his and would like to use them... i wouldn't mind seeing how well they turn out either. Maybe they arre good enough to not have to import MC here for me. hehehe

Thanks for any inpiut.
They look to have all the basics, but your friend needs to do some reading on hydro and ppm.

Sent from my comfy chair
If you would like a schedule on nutrients that is simple and will help anyone with any line of nutrients, follow this schedule below.

Week N-P-K ratio
1. 3-1-2
2. 3-1-2
3. 3-1-2
4. 2-1-2
5. 2-1-2
6. 2-1-2
7. 1-1-2
8. 1-1-2
9. 1-1-2
10. 0-1-2
11. 0-1-2
12. 0-1-2

This is for 12 week strain, so if you have a 9 week strain, you would reduce one week in each phase from week three onwards. Weeks one to three are always this ratio. There is a lot of research behind this methodology and it lines up with most nute lines and their schedules.

Now just take your nutes and figure out how to keep nutes in line. Your line will be difficult in the flowering stage unless you can get a substitute that has no N in it. We don't want N in flower right at the end, as it can make buds taste a bit like grass too much and kill some of the essence the plant has to offer.
If you would like a schedule on nutrients that is simple and will help anyone with any line of nutrients, follow this schedule below.

Week N-P-K ratio
1. 3-1-2
2. 3-1-2
3. 3-1-2
4. 2-1-2
5. 2-1-2
6. 2-1-2
7. 1-1-2
8. 1-1-2
9. 1-1-2
10. 0-1-2
11. 0-1-2
12. 0-1-2

This is for 12 week strain, so if you have a 9 week strain, you would reduce one week in each phase from week three onwards. Weeks one to three are always this ratio. There is a lot of research behind this methodology and it lines up with most nute lines and their schedules.

Now just take your nutes and figure out how to keep nutes in line. Your line will be difficult in the flowering stage unless you can get a substitute that has no N in it. We don't want N in flower right at the end, as it can make buds taste a bit like grass too much and kill some of the essence the plant has to offer.

They look to have all the basics, but your friend needs to do some reading on hydro and ppm.

Sent from my comfy chair

thanks! we had found all this info before and we think we understad how to mix nutes to achieve different ratios, but usually we see the examples that mix a hydro nute with N-P-K ratios of 2-1-3 with a one of 0-2-2 (just as an example)... but our N-P-K case is more like 2-1-3 (bottle 1) with a 0-0-0 (bottle 2) and in our research we haven't found an example like ours...

so our question was if we can mix em all together at once or if we have to feed one then the other because of some chemical reaction that could damage the solution or makeit les soluble or something like that... like when sometimes additives should be mixed first to RO water.
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we concluded so far (and wish someone could confirm this please) that we could create one solution to feed, but mix in bottle 2 first that has the micros, and then bottle 1 that has the macros... basically pretent bottle 1 is like a General Hydroponic FloraGrow and bottle 2 is like a sort of FloraMicro (and from what we hav egathered, first goes floramicro, them bloom and grow... still trying to understand which element interaction causes this to be necesary). we are just confused with the bottle 2 having having a N-P-K of 0-0-0 .
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we concluded so far (and wish someone could confirm this please) that we could create one solution to feed, but mix in bottle 2 first that has the micros, and then bottle 1 that has the macros... basically pretent bottle 1 is like a General Hydroponic FloraGrow and bottle 2 is like a sort of FloraMicro (and from what we hav egathered, first goes floramicro, them bloom and grow... still trying to understand which element interaction causes this to be necesary). we are just confused with the bottle 2 having having a N-P-K of 0-0-0 .
That sounds right to me. They are a part a and b nutrient.

Sent from my comfy chair
Just mix together . all is good . One is your additives . two is your N.P.K .the main nutrients . It will take a bit of time , but you will get the hang of it . :thumbsup:
Yep, easy stuff in the end. They don't want it to be difficult.