How to start a professional autoflowering breeding project?

May 5, 2022
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Hello community. Thanks for your help.
I want to start creating autoflowering genetics in the best possible way and I had some doubts.
1) Should I start with regular autoflowering cannabis or should I go further back and start with cannabis ruderalis and photoperiod cannabis? I seek to do it as professional as possible, as do the great breeders like full duplex.
2) All breeders started with seeds that already existed. Taking full duplex as an example. What seeds did you start with without stealing the job from another breeder who had already been working on those seeds?
3) Once I stabilize my regular autoflowering genetics, after stabilizing regular autoflowering, is it advisable to start feminizing and reversing its sex to obtain only feminized seeds?
My intention is to do it honestly and professionally. I want to start today to have stable genetics in 10 years. I know that parenting is a long-term commitment.
I hope you can help me and guide me.
A big greeting from Argentina.
I would not start from ruderalis, unless you want to create your own breeding autoflower first. Better to cut some corners and get some good auto genetics you start with. Making your own breeding auto first would be more "pro" thing to do, but it does not make sense to do it. Maybe later when you get your operation running and want to up your game.

With breeding auto i mean a mix between ruderalis and photo that you dont sell to people, but use males of it to turn photos to autos, which you would sell later as feminised seeds after you stabilised the strain. You also should have multiple breeding autos if you plan on doing different types of strains. For example you want a sativa breeding auto if you want to make a auto version of a sativa photo, same with indicas and hybrids.

First you ofc need to also pheno hunt photos you plan on turning autoflowers. For example if you want to make a chemdog autoflower, do the normal pheno hunt with preferably 100+ plants with female chemdogs, take cuttings, find which one you want to use and then breed some autoflower with it that seems close enough. Then make F2 seeds of these and try to find autoflowering males and females that you select and breed with each others, selecting which other traits you want then repeat until you got AF stabilised and get the plant you want in other ways as well.

If i would sell seeds as a profession, i would never ever sell anyone reg seeds, but only feminised. When you are finished with your project and have the strain you were looking for, then just reverse one female to pollinate other select females to get feminised seeds to sell.

You could feminise earlier and make a reversed female for all pollinations, but i think with autos its easier to use males for breeding and only feminise the end product that you will sell. With photos, it makes sense to breed with females only from the beginning because you can save cuttings and taste buds from both parents etc. before you commit into making seeds.