I live in the San Joaquin Valley of California, Summers are very hot and dry. I use an evaporative cooler in the summer. It keeps the temperatures under 88°F in the grow space with RH ~ 60% (a little high for flower but manageable) In the winter the heater keeps the house ~68°F and in the space ~78°F with the lights. An 88°F reservoir temperature is way to high for dissolved oxygen and a chiller large enough to chill 45 gallons of reservoir was too big to fit in the space I have to work with.
The rock wool solved the oxygen problem as they pull air into the cube as they dry back. It took me a few grows to get the drip irrigation dialed in. I am approaching 1.7gpw yield which is what I was getting in DWC. The new SpiderFarm lights are claiming 2.3 gpw They have my interest. a few guys here are running them so we will see how those numbers work out in a real garden.