New Grower How to spot a hermie

Feb 24, 2016
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Hi all of v just come across a hermie in my autoflower grow anyone interested in checking that grow out can follow in my sig.
The purpose of this thread is for new growers who doesn't know what a plant looks like when it hermaphrodites # produces male flowers wich can then pollinate ure crop.
So I'll post a close up pick of my royal Queen quick one who hermie so anyone who hasn't come across this can spot it this isn't a dig at the seedbank as they produce great genetics I just got a bad seed so here it is

If u look closelyor even zoom in on the pic ull see the male flower it has a small stem leading to a round head this matures and opens up spreading pollen.
Just spreading the knowledge
@Bailey do you just yank them off if there's a couple, keep a close eye and continue with the grow? What's about fuller pods...I only found like 4....what should I do?upper right corner of seconds pic
@Bailey do you just yank them off if there's a couple, keep a close eye and continue with the grow? What's about fuller pods...I only found like 4....what should I do?upper right corner of seconds picView attachment 559661 View attachment 559662
Hi bro that pic it looks like one maybe does it have a slight stem before the round head update more pics.
To answer ure question I know of people who have removed them kept a close eye and gave them some revive and they're ok I still think it reduces potency of the grass.
My close friend just done this with a mazar he was growing 2 one hermie on him it didn't produce alot of male flowers say 12_16 through out bloom he picked them off and there was a clear difference in taste and potency