How to build a greeenhouse 'growing pit'.

Mate ! Great read and great work ! i live in Aust, run a greenhouse too, greenhouses certainly giveth and taketh away re mould. its great to keep heavy rain off buds but as you know humidity can then cause problems. I have an industrial fan for air circulation but sometimes it still too humid so i am thinking about using a room dehumidifier. I also spray the plants with a 10:1 mix of water/raw milk. YOu spray them in early flowering during bright sunshine, the milk has an enzyme that inhibits mould sores from activating, definately makes a difference.

Great to meet a fellow greenhouser!
Yes yes yes, get a dehumidifier ... I used one last summer with the Biogreen heater (shown above) ... zero budrot. Like, Z-E-R-O! :headbang:
When you say 'raw' milk ... do you mean 'unpasteurized'?
Great to meet a fellow greenhouser!
Yes yes yes, get a dehumidifier ... I used one last summer with the Biogreen heater (shown above) ... zero budrot. Like, Z-E-R-O! :headbang:
When you say 'raw' milk ... do you mean 'unpasteurized'?

yes mate, raw milk, not pasteurized or homogenized. SOld here as "bath milk".

OK im on the case for a mould ! ...awesome !!!
Thought I'd update this thread ... there's a system in place!

Last year, around November, when the SS photo was finished and harvested, I changed the soil in the growpit.
I swapped it all out for some well-composted soil, and covered it up for the winter with some boarding.


Yesterday, I lifted the boarding, turned over the soil and added a load of bonemeal and fishbone ...


I then covered it back up for another few months to stew. I'll be planting into it around May/June time.
Meanwhile, I've already got the next batch of composted soil ready. It's already a few years old, so I pack it all into plastic bags and leave stored outside until the end of summer, then it'll go into the growpit around November and the process repeats.


Works a treat for me.
Can't wait to get goin' with the growin' ... :toke:
Woo-hoo!! Soon, oh so soon seeds will sprout! Hope you are doing great buddy!
Woo-hoo!! Soon, oh so soon seeds will sprout! Hope you are doing great buddy!

How was the ice-fishing? :d5:

Not so great dude atm, I'm tits-deep in spidermites .. I've had to pull one plant out of the groom and shove her in the greenhouse. The freezing temps tonight should kill the fuckers and then I'll vac 'em off and harvest her tomorrow. The remaining three will probably get the same treatment later in the week. I'm 10 wks into flower, could have done with another week but ho hum. I'll be a lot more vigilant with the next batch ... of course, I never get any of this shit growing outside, so I can't wait to get started. Finally back to growing some autos again. :biggrin:

Wanted to ask you .. what's the fastest way of getting autos off to a good start under flourescents? I've got jiffy cubes and I'll be trying your pot-in-a-pot transplanting technique when they go out into the ground, but any other tips and tricks you use?:cool1:
Ice fishing was awesome....not super active fish(caught 10 per day) due to -20 temps, but it was a great trip....between my buddy and I we caught a multispecies grand slam catching all 8 species in the lakes we fished.

Damn sorry to hear of the mites...I got those little bastards once and they are a bastard to get rid of!! Good luck with the spiders.

Using t-5 flouros I try to keep them within 4" for the first 2 weeks and within 2" for the rest of the time(constantly raising lights and lowering plants). I found the horizontal LST training allows much better exposure for quicker secondary branches.
Cracking thread mate. Def looking to venture outside when things pick up a bit.