How to build a greeenhouse 'growing pit'.

Bud Wiser UK

This Bud's for you!
Sep 21, 2016
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Hi peeps ... this is my first post on this site, so I thought I'd make an effort.

I like to give before I receive (no sexual pun intended), so rather than a 'how do I do it?' question, I'm offering a 'how to do it' guide ..

As the title suggests, this is all about growing weed in a greenhouse maximising all that nature has to offer (including budrot, unfortunately!). More about that later. First up, the theory. The plan was to harness the benefits of growing in Mother Earth alongside the ability to control the environment, as well as using the sun as a light source, pest free. Easy, just plonk a greenhouse on the soil and grow, you say. Well, the problem with that is you're not only growing marijuana, but a shitload of other plant species too, as well as exposing your ladies to all sorts of pest issues. No, the growroom needs to be as sanitised as possible in my opinion, so building on slabs with a solid foundation was a primary concern. The problem was I wanted Mother Earth, so the solution was to build a 'pit' .. a cut-out in the middle of the greenhouse floor with direct access to her. Not only that, but if you happen to live somewhere that's a bit 'breezy' occasionally, you'll appreciate a greenhouse that's bolted into solid concrete rather than just pegged into the ground.

Rewind back to 2013.

Ok, now you'll need a few things.
Stamina, determination, self-belief, a small plot to plonk your greenhouse on, a greenhouse, and a few dollars!
First make sure you have a plot, that bit should be obvious!
Next, find a greenhouse .. I got mine for $100 off eBay, looked shit at first but had potential:

Dismantled, shoved in the back of a van and put to one side for later with all parts labelled for reassembly, we're now onto the hard part.
Digging, and lots of it. You'll need to mark out the area, decide how many slabs you're going to use, and how big they are, plus the size of your greenhouse that's going on top. Mine was a 6' x 8', and I'm way too stoned to start remembering measurements but the 'patio' needs to be much bigger than the greenhouse as you'll see from the pics. The growpit I built was the size of 3 slabs in a row exactly, should I ever need to slab her in completely one day for some unexpected reason. You never know.

Onto the digging:

(there's a shed in the background, and I'll show you what I'm currently doing with that later in another thread!)

Next, I built a wooden frame for the pit, 3 slabs big, around which I was going to build the foundations, adding my landfill and sand:

Then, place your slabs on top, levelling as you go. Plenty on YouTube showing you how to do all this.
What they don't show you is the missing bit in the middle:

The wooden cross-beams can be sawn off after, or left to rot, up to you.
Next, plonk your recently-cleaned and re-assembled shiny new greenhouse on top and show all the neighbours you're a responsible horticulturist!:

Now comes the fun part ... clear out all the crap, prepare the growpit and get ready to grow some weed. I prepped the soil and added fish bone & blood, some home-made compost and left it over winter. The following March (2014) I aerated the soil and gave it a good soaking before planting my first auto plants of the season. I bought 10 seeds from Barney's Seed Shop, an auto mix of Deinos, Syrup, Low Ryder and White Dwarf along with another 6 'experimentals' .. the 'seeds-that-have-fallen-on-the-floor-that-no-one-knows-what-fucking-strain-they-are' variety! And they were supplied as stated .. mixed! I had no idea which was which, so I decided to name them (with girl's names, of course!).

It was a good season, the sun shone and I got some excellent results.
Marion, the one in the middle, yielded 80 grams of dried bud:

Jolie gave me 77 grams of dried bud:

And Misha showed great promise at 8 weeks:

Unfortunately, I lost half of her to budrot, so she only came in at 52 grams dried:

(I could've broken the 100 gram barrier with her!)

Rosie was the runt of the litter at a mere 35 grams dried:

Furthermore, I didn't use any lights to start them off, all the seeds germinated, and I think the secret's in the soil. The remainder of the batch of seeds I grew in 30 litre buckets using the same home-made compost I used in the growpit. They too produced exceptionally well ... more on those in another thread. (I grew 628 grams of dried bud off 10 plants, of which two were runts and one lost half her crop to budrot. Not bad.)

However, I digress. Back to the growpit and fast-forward to 2016. This time, I wanted to try a photoperiod in her, and having prepped the soil back in 2014 after the first grow, again home-made compost with fish bone & blood but this time with added composted horse manure, I covered it and left it to stew for 2 years. I didn't use the pit last year, broke my leg, so carrying water on crutches was a bitch, I only managed a handfull of autos that season!

I tried Super Skunk photo from Sensi Seeds this year in the growpit and this was the result:

And it's not over yet ... I've still got about 3 or 4 weeks to go (I think).
Look out for my shed build next ... coming soon!

Bud Wiser UK
And in case anyone's interested, the 30-litre bucket-grown ladies did quite well, too.

Beverley, yielded 91 grams of dried bud, my outdoor auto record so far:

Brit, yielded 56 grams dried:

Clare, 64 grams dried:

Debbie, (oh, I do remember the lovely Debbie, sweet like pineapple!), another 64 grams dried:

And the glorious Nadine, 82 grams of dried bud off her in the end (this was taken at 7/8 weeks):

Here's a pic of my drying shed:

The greenhouse in full 'auto' mode:

And some happy jars ([HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] & [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] had already been hammered!):

That's me done for the night.
Off to read someone else's posts now ...

Bud Wiser UK
Woh!! Absolutely beautiful plants man, some of the nicest I have seen grown under the UK sun(cloud). And this may be the best first post I have ever read. Great job man, thanks for taking the time. I'll be back later with more rep, for such a fine post!!
Fantastic build mate. excellent results.
some improved ventilation will reduce the risk of bud rot in future,
but your rate of success is damn impressive.
If it was me, I would keep those plastic plant ID sticks out of the jars (perhaps you just put them there for the photo)
just in case they are emitting any petro-chemical vapours...however slight.

I wasn't aware of that .. doh!
Won't do it again, promise.
That weed's been well and truly digested anyway, that was 2 years ago!
Thanks for the compliments tho' dude, much appreciated.

I've since taken care of the budrot .. some electricity and a fuck-off greenhouse heater/blower now installed and working beeeeeautifullyyyy!
Not cheap, but very well built and splashproof i.e. you can get it wet! (easily done).
Built in Germany for the wealthy's orangeries and conservatory orchids ... now put to much better use methinks!


Bud Wiser UK
Thanks @912GreenSkell .. I'm happy to design personalised labels for anyone here ... just give me the basic details, peeps, and the rest is easy.
Any way to upload pdf's? ... best for printable resolution.

Make it a site offer if you want. :cheers:

Bud Generous UK
Mate ! Great read and great work ! i live in Aust, run a greenhouse too, greenhouses certainly giveth and taketh away re mould. its great to keep heavy rain off buds but as you know humidity can then cause problems. I have an industrial fan for air circulation but sometimes it still too humid so i am thinking about using a room dehumidifier. I also spray the plants with a 10:1 mix of water/raw milk. YOu spray them in early flowering during bright sunshine, the milk has an enzyme that inhibits mould sores from activating, definately makes a difference.