if you're going to soak, soak each seed in a separate container in case of bad human error. Me? I go straight from the fridge to the soil. It's the same time to germinate but it seems longer since most people don't count the time spent soaking. I have a special method that works well for me. Part of it involves taking a 6 inch terra cotta pot with a hole in the bottom turned upside down and I make a circle in the middle of the container and kind of grind it down a little to make a little moat. Then I plant the seed right in the center of the circle I made with the upside down terra cota pot. That way I know exeactly where to look. And I keep the terra cotta pot turned upside down over the seed until it sprouts beacuse it provides a stable environment for the seed. That way I can water the container without disturbing the seed and if the soil under the pot is too dry I just put the pot back on and spray the pot and a very very fine mist will water the seed soil from the water that makes it through the small hole in the bottom of the pot, but usually my soil is a soupy mess when I plant the seed so it is about like soaking in dirty water. But I agree, seeds are expensive.