About day 26 and the Blue Amnesia XXL starting to show sex. Really came on strong after looking a little mutated at the beginning and starting to look like a really nice plant.
Figured it's about time for an update. So far everyghing seems to be working great. The Kindsoil and the Blumat's are making things as easy as hoped. Really just looking in on them a couple times a day, giving them a light misting with the spray bottle, and making sure there is water in the resiorvior. Almost too easy and find myself looking for ways to fiddle with it for something to do.
The three plants are showing great growth. Little bit of leaf curling on the Automazar that I think is from not enough air movement. It's in a bit of a dead spot for the fan that I need to figure out a fix for.
Overall, though, all three seem to be a much tighter, bushier plants for their size than what I remember on previous grows. I'm hoping it's an indication that the new overhead COB lights are really working well. It just feels to me like there is much less stretch for the light compared to previous grows. Even without the side T5's.
Auto Blue Amnesia XXL:
View attachment 599061 View attachment 599062
Devil Cream Auto:
View attachment 599070 View attachment 599073
View attachment 599071 View attachment 599072