No worries. Many of us are in apartments so I get it. If you put flower girl in a bucket, add water, stir it and let it sit for 24 hrs, all you'll have is a bunch of flower girl at the bottom of the bucket. Steeping is very important so the mesh bag or pantyhose is a major step. Look up the term "steeping compost tea" or "steeping fertilizer tea" and it will explain how it works and why it's important. For only one or two plants you should only need one gallon of water and about a half a cup of flower girl to steep in the water. If you watch any video on making tea, they will use some sort of mesh or pantyhose to steep with. If you want to make a foliar, steeping is still important. I use a one gallon water jug and a piece of pantyhose. I put a few tablespoons of craft blend from build a soil in the foot of the pantyhose.. Then drop that into the jug.. Leaving just enough pantyhose out of the jug to pull it out. I shake it, pull the pantyhose out and squeeze it every few hours, and there you have it. I just add an airstone to activate it. But steeping is vital. If you need pics of how I do it I can take some. Tonight is a feed night for my plants.