New Grower How I look at the yield



How I look at the yield in Auto’s
If you take the yield in grams and divide by the days it took “seed to harvest”

I use {days / gm = X } to compare auto’s against each other and to the non-auto parent used in the cross.

It’s a nifty way at looking at. Total Biomass produced in a given time frame.

Average Biomass produced per day. Growth Rate

Grams per day is interesting for sure! I suppose it would be a measure of vigor in a round about kind of way.

When you compare to the photo mom, you use the same formula?

I like it more than grams per watt.
very nice formula zygote... sounds a little harder to track... but hey... sounds like a real 1 to 1 comparison... :)
John, I don’t understand what you mean by “sounds a little harder to track”
I guess itsm really not... since I already track everything to the day.... its an easy way to analyze i suppose... i'll have to start running it... :)
That seems to be the most valid formula for comparing photo's to auto's from an efficiency perspective. It covers all the givens without having to add them to the computation. Great idea Zygot! :peace:
How about factoring in the watts as well ?
So watts and time and yield, maybe GPKwH ? or something like that ?
We need a better scale than GPW since it doesnt factor in time.
Props for the idea.
And grams per watt, will not work out side it the sun.
You took it out of context.

I work it by Dry weight per pot..outdoor...
That is yield pre square foot or yield pre square meter.

Dry weight x height per plant..

can't see the point of gaining height in a cross..if it isn't matched in weight gain....
That is a measurement of the plants density. Which is a good tool to use when comparing.
Edited out..:thumbs: