I thought I would update this thread to let everyone know that yes, it can be done!
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As it turns out, 1/4 inch tubing will fit fairly tight into the black AutoPot tubing. By inserting a brass fitting into the smaller tube, you can then use a clamp and tighten the fuk out of it. I did 2 pots this way and I did get a leak at the junction pictured, but it was an easy fix with a nut driver. I'm guessing that this could be adapted to 4 pots if you went to 1 emitter for each pot. I did use a smaller pump,
Amazon product ASIN B09S8RJFBD and an inline filter,
Amazon product ASIN B07Y1JYQJZ and believe it or not, I got it all contained within the reservoir. So instead of the pump lifting the nutrient solution to the top of the res, it flows right out the grommet at the bottom. I also learned that you can get pressure fittings that work on the AutoPot tubing. I used 2x elbows, one inside the res, and the other on the outside before the cutoff valve. It will even work at a trickle without the pump on and that's why I installed the cuttoff valve to close off the flow. My res is full right now, so I can't get a picture of the setup, but the pump sets side ways in the res with 90 degreee hose fitting where it connects to the inline filter. Then using adapters, I was able to get it down to a barbed fitting that would fit the AutoPot tubing. I than cut the tubing at the middle of the res and added a 90 degree pressure fitting. There's even room for a small agitator to keep the nutes mixed up. It only takes about 2 minutes to get run off after you turn the pump on, so at the moment it's working great!