No, my stash is cured (to my liking), I am just slow to use up my grow. So, I just keep them in their curing bags until I am done.
However, if I had to do it again, I would cure for one or two months then move the harvest into a series of smaller bags and heat seal them. That way I am only opening up a small bag at a time as I consume.
I haven't heat sealed yet, but this next harvest is going to be way more than the first grow. So, I'll cure in a big bag appropriate for the amount (you only want to fill to 2/3 ... leave a nice air gap). Then I'll break it down into what I assume are monthly-amount bags. That way, The stash stays is perfect curing mode and I am only bothering one bag for a month at a time. Heavier users may want to think Weekly size bags.
I am not sure of this, but they seem to leave you enough room for multiple heal seals if you need to jump in a head of schedule and then seal again.
What scares me, is these Grove Bags work so well ... that a "cannabis tax" will eventually become part of the price. Because right now they are dirt cheap (well they were 6 months ago when I bought). However, they were getting complaints on shipping costs.