Harvest & Curing How good?

I cured my last grow completely in Grove Bags. I dried to about 11-12% and then bagged them.

I wimped out and put an Up/Down Humidity Packet in it for insurance. But, no Burping.

The Buds have been in there since the first of the year and are not dried out in the least.

It's the only way I'll cure until something proves me wrong.
I use them exclusively now. I dry my plants, trim and throw in a Grove. I fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttteeeee mason jars. Anyway, way easier. You can heat seal them for extra security too.
I use them exclusively now. I dry my plants, trim and throw in a Grove. I fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttteeeee mason jars. Anyway, way easier. You can heat seal them for extra security too.
How you oreder them off here
Me too on all of the above. Dry the bud, put in bags, and done. Even if all the bags did was save the burping, I would still use them, but they also seem to retain more flavor. No more burping for me.

I will still use jars for freezing bud after curing because handling frozen bud in bags will disturb the bud and shed trichomes. In jars, if the jar is treated gently and left closed until room temperature, the bud is undisturbed while frozen.
I cured my last grow completely in Grove Bags. I dried to about 11-12% and then bagged them.

I wimped out and put an Up/Down Humidity Packet in it for insurance. But, no Burping.

The Buds have been in there since the first of the year and are not dried out in the least.

It's the only way I'll cure until something proves me wrong.
They've been curring for3 months and still not done?
They've been curring for3 months and still not done?

No, my stash is cured (to my liking), I am just slow to use up my grow. So, I just keep them in their curing bags until I am done.

However, if I had to do it again, I would cure for one or two months then move the harvest into a series of smaller bags and heat seal them. That way I am only opening up a small bag at a time as I consume.

I haven't heat sealed yet, but this next harvest is going to be way more than the first grow. So, I'll cure in a big bag appropriate for the amount (you only want to fill to 2/3 ... leave a nice air gap). Then I'll break it down into what I assume are monthly-amount bags. That way, The stash stays is perfect curing mode and I am only bothering one bag for a month at a time. Heavier users may want to think Weekly size bags.

I am not sure of this, but they seem to leave you enough room for multiple heal seals if you need to jump in a head of schedule and then seal again.

What scares me, is these Grove Bags work so well ... that a "cannabis tax" will eventually become part of the price. Because right now they are dirt cheap (well they were 6 months ago when I bought). However, they were getting complaints on shipping costs.
I use them exclusively now. I dry my plants, trim and throw in a Grove. I fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttteeeee mason jars. Anyway, way easier. You can heat seal them for extra security too.
How late ng does curring in grove bags take?