Harvest & Curing How do i dry my seeds?

Dec 23, 2011
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Hi, i have dried my plant for 3 days now, and i picked the seeds off. What´s the next step?

I put mine on a screen to dry for 2 weeks in room temperature dark spot in a cabinet. After that i package them up in mini ziplocs with a few grains of rice for moisture control and store them in my mini fridge in a wonton soup container filled with rice.
:smokebuds:Just leave them spread out someware with low humidity for a couple weeks and they should be dry.
Rice is great for absorbing moisture for sure
and if in the fridge it is a good humidity control BUT.....
the one thing i would say paople rarely do because they eat it is to ensure it is STERILE
you can introduce too many contaminates from the harvesting/shipping/manufacturing process
lets just say this
you could have some contamination free seeds you store them for a while and yes the cool fridge and negative moisture from the rice keeps everything in check so you see nothing
then the day comes where it is time to use the seeds and only the rubbing in the package has transfered mold that wouldn't normally grow on the rice due to the lack of moisture being present
but the seeds gets mold on it and boom once in perfect germ you are also offering a great environment for the mold or fungus to now grow and it propigates faster than the seedling and you get fur growing on the seedlings
just my 2 cents
but i would always make sterile the paper towel if used to germ in a container to make sure some towels sitting around warehouses and dusty shelfs before it was shipped and put into a dark closet lots of places for Kritters to take foot
i tested this as a theory years ago and not all scenarios are going to be the same of course..
a person could buy some paper towels and open them from the plastic and put in a closet for along time to gather contaminates compaired to one freshly taken from the package
if people saw the process and the guidlines from the very possibly third world country grown standards( I wouldn't advise eating raw rice) But it is to be boiled to be cooked so the threat is not mentioned to consumers because you would kill off harmful pathogens during the cooking process

All i can say to you is take three random types of rice they would vary again but rinse out three mason jars w/ alcohol or another disinfectant that will leave no harmful residue
(you should do this in a spore chamber like one would build for a sterile work place for shrooms ,a box cut out viewing hole in cover for the window cover w/ cling wrap so you can see through it securely tape it around the edges to ensure no introduction of contaminated air
cut two hole for cleaning style thick latex gloves cut two holes in the sides for gloves to go into tape around the holes to secure the gloves to the container and tada you have a germ and microbe free air space to work in once you sterilize the inside
now take the three jars inside and wipe out the insides w/ alcohol to sterile the jar again and let evaporated inside the clean box
now you will have sterile containers and sterile air inside of them insert the three types of rice into the dif containers make sure you use fresh non contaminated water to get the rice moist
now that you can say the rice would be the major pathogen introducer and not the environment if theese jars were to sprout fungus
once they do you will see a variety of scary(or facinating)(( on seeds i would assume it is scary)) things in the dif jars
but there are plenty of contaminate quality food source information from the FDA if one wanted to also look at some science behind their food
I think we hear it all the time and immediately go to dif reasons much further down the chain like ie. blamed genetics assumed poor germination practices yada yada yada
I know for sure i have been sent seeds in the past that i only treated half of them and the entire batch that was treated germed and survived and the ones that i didn't treat because i ran out of h2o2 at the time and every seed in the batch was fungus propigated
point is it hasn't been the only time and as a matter of fact that example happened rather recently from a very well known breeder
between the two the only change in variables was the treatment
they were veged in the same container in this example it was the only variable aside of other contamination like the seeds being contaminated from a fungus and then stored
either way if one properly eliminates contaminates from the seeds before planting non of the above matters really:)
but rarely do i hear of people properly decontaminating seeds before planting I would NEVER just throw a bean that was given to me into the room w/o sterile precautions before hand
but hey that just my 2 cents
not saing my way is the best just the way i do it
Okay, just trying to clear all of that up.

There's no evidence or solid examples in any of that. So, I'm going with just theory.

I have never had rice contaminate anything, including both seeds and pollen. If you have worked a glove box before then you know that spores set loose in a sterilized medium will rapidly cultivate it. You could put any unsterilized object in there and get nasty growth, including the cannabis seeds themselves.

Rice is a tested and true method of moisture control and I feel perfectly safe using it.
like i said it isn't me telling you your rice has a very high chance of being contaminated that's also from the FDA no theory there that is plain and simple fact
what a Pig might do while preserving genetics is their own decision
I can't whole heartedly reccomend any possible contamination to a potential med user
Rice is great to use i would just make sure there isn't disentary or fecalcoli on it before i stored my seeds w/ it do as you wish
I never said don't use rice i just warned to be sure it was clean a pig will do as a pig will do