Hopper Labs Live Interview.Current Live Stoners Gossip

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i kow 3 people that have met va morriso.1 called him a cut,aother called him a astard,ad the other didt have much ice to sat aout him.
I can think of a lot more than 3 people who would not have very nice things to say about me if asked.
Oh well! :coffee:
Hopper Labs: what is the story behind the name "Grasshopper"?

It's a bit strange. We had originally named it the ZenPen but a large tobacco company had reserved the name ZEN and sent us a cease and desist order. They were not even using the name but we were so small and could not fight it. We had 1 week to change all of our material before we launched our crowdfunding campaign in 2013, so we came up with Grasshopper.

I can think of a lot more than 3 people who would not have very nice things to say about me if asked.
Oh well! :coffee:
I'm not one of them. I got nothing but nice to say about you:kissass:
I think my lungs would appreciate some vaping...
@Hopper Labs What are the benefits of the Titanium model...:smoking:

The Titanium is quite a bit lighter and for those concerned about the heat on their lips, it run cooler. Personally the finish on the TI way nicer to me. It is also more scratch resistant, Ohhh and Ti is sick!
A prototype took about 8 months, but a prototype is nothing like a full-on consumer product. The final product took us about 1.5 years. I think a lot of people don't ever get to see how hard it is to design something that can be built 10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000 times. If your failure rate is even 1% then it will never be a viable business. We put all our eggs into one basket---spending our time and money on building something great rather than building a cheap product and relying on a good sales team.
I have a lot of respect for that.
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