Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

Awful accent for me tbh m8 find it hard to listen to.. awful as that sounds haha.. im pure broad belfast accent.. which is probably worse lol
I didn't want to mention all the twangs you people have and it only takes a Guinness for me to get it all. :rofl:
( Jokes ) remember them :crying::crying::crying: not after a few bukys tho.:eyebrows:
Im probably what u lot call a southern softy looool
but my roots are Newcastle and Scottish.
A soft southern to me is my arse after a hard Indian. :rofl:
( remember jokes) what a time. :rofl:
I didn't want to mention all the twangs you people have and it only takes a Guinness for me to get it all. :rofl:
( Jokes ) remember them :crying::crying::crying: not after a few bukys tho.:eyebrows:

Ahhhhh the Buckfast wine.. Scotlands greatest export lol when u wanna go from fresh to fucked up in 10 minutes.. get the bucky out :crying: memories.
Ahhhhh the Buckfast wine.. Scotlands greatest export lol when u wanna go from fresh to fucked up in 10 minutes.. get the bucky out :crying: memories.
Scottish are legends for the bucky but it's English. :cooldance:
I don't drink that shit :crying: just playing to the stereotype here . I also make copper wire by fighting myself over a penny. :rofl: My mum's maiden name is irn bru and I keep a flock of haggis female's. :vibe:
Ahhhhh the Buckfast wine.. Scotlands greatest export lol when u wanna go from fresh to fucked up in 10 minutes.. get the bucky out :crying: memories.

I had a bottle of sauce last weekend when I was up visiting, just for old times sake. My sis and Mrs weren't impressed when me and the brothernlaw came back from the shop tonic in hand, it was a fine vintage!

Half the girls will be getting this for a week from today.. the other half are already on AN big bud and bud candy for the last week or so.
Scottish are legends for the bucky but it's English. :cooldance:
I don't drink that shit :crying: just playing to the stereotype here . I also make copper wire by fighting myself over a penny. :rofl: My mum's maiden name is irn bru and I keep a flock of haggis female's. :vibe:

Fuckin knew it!! :crying: :crying: :crying:
I had a bottle of sauce last weekend when I was up visiting, just for old times sake. My sis and Mrs weren't impressed when me and the brothernlaw came back from the shop tonic in hand, it was a fine vintage!

Love that m8 lol bucky has no respect :eyebrows: :crying:
Mate, it was a good idea at the time but a bottle in and several vapes... I'm the wrong side of 40 for that shit!

:crying: always starts as a good idea m8.. im in your boat.. im closer to 50 than 40 now ffs.. and definitely too old for that.. hasn't stopped me tho.. im still full of good ideas:crying::clapper: