Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

SLamb/SLecter SoG Day 16
Normal business resumed.. let's have it..
Buggery, I feel like a traitor - one sog down and another up. Top job on the previous - going to sneak in and keep an eye on this as well :vibe:
Mate, I am just about to chop my slaughtered Lambs, the flowers and the smell is epic.

Soggin like a goodun m8.. really lookin forward to the slaughtered lamb :smoking:
Totally forgot to mention.. purely for info.. this SoG has been under only a 200w solar flare panel.. the Skyline 400 has yet to go on.. it's probably nearly time.. got used to cheapin out a bit on the leccy bill lol so the growth so far was achieved with a 200w light.
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