Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

Still amazed at their speed and consistent look across the board - good show Hope and top genetics Sawney :worship:
My Nugz are at day 5 and I think have just taken root properly - if they are anything like that in 15 days I highly expect I may very well pee my pants (only a dribble mind) :face:
Still amazed at their speed and consistent look across the board - good show Hope and top genetics Sawney :worship:
My Nugz are at day 5 and I think have just taken root properly - if they are anything like that in 15 days I highly expect I may very well pee my pants (only a dribble mind) :face:

Thanks m8. All credit to the wizard @Sawney_bean .. I just plonk them in the soil give them some nice light and feed them at the right time.. mostly lol
Days 11, 15 and 20..
Went out with a few friends yesterday to watch the mighty reds win the cup.. Drunk way too much Guinness followed by way too much tequila.. Fell on my way home.. Broken leg bruised ribs and arm.. just back from A&E on crutches. Do not fk with tequila ppl lol