New Grower Honey's Journey

This I took this a.m.I know I said it looked like lady parts showing but it had to be to early. Well California snow grew a Tad over night an now I could see this area better. Its more beautiful leaves. I am such a noob.

Check her out. I can't believe she's so healthy. I am a proud momma of three beautiful young ladies

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Just put my feed mix together. 1gallon of water an 1Tsp of fish elmusion. Just waiting for her to get dry so I can give a first good feed and see how she'll take to it. The ladies have been doing great with just water. Now for some real action. BUD PORN and pop corn plz
I got the itch for my second round so with that being said. I would love opinions on which two or three out of my bunch I should do next. I would like to know why you chosen the two or three. It will help A LOT because I wish I had the space to do all of them at the same time...

Thanks for your help, hope I get some good feedback. I feel like I am talking to myself in here

It would be nice to try the CBD Crew seeds which can produce more CBD and help with medical purpose.
I got the itch for my second round so with that being said. I would love opinions on which two or three out of my bunch I should do next. I would like to know why you chosen the two or three. It will help A LOT because I wish I had the space to do all of them at the same time...

Thanks for your help, hope I get some good feedback. I feel like I am talking to myself in here

Me personally would do sweets skunk as they have great genetics and I'm also a big fan of skunk as skunk#1 is my good old cheese