wow, i said to much.
first off let me say i in no way was trying to promote the website that sold my variety of cubensis. i just put that there so that you can read at the bottom of the page it says " original prints given by grod31" although i would give them for free to anyone who does not reside in CA,ID,GA (federal agricultural rules)
second I am sorry i bad mouthed autos in my first,I love them, they have a place in my heart and my garden.But at the same time besides their obvious benefits i feel they are inferior to most photosensitive mj.
I tell people low ryders are like I products and every time time a new Iphone or pad comes out there is a whole new generation of lowryders that has an equal improvement.
so if you go back to the first Ipod and call that LR#1 then todays Super autos would be the Iphone 5s or something.
one last thing I am a big fan of growing photosensitive plants 12/12 from seed. this practice alone eliminates half the reason to grow a lowrdyer indoors.
i look forward to sharing my future grows with you guys, i put up my first project of the season in the breeding forum
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.