New Grower Hog's First Grow

Things starting to come together
  • Thanks @stan_mephisto! Was able to grab the two strains you recommended, plus some Samsquanch and Fugue State! Can't wait to get it all going.

    Let there be (LED) Light!
  • @Marshydro. Everything setup and working great! Definitely not the final setup for the fan/filter, just wanted to check everything out. Now just waiting on Natures Living Soil autoflower concentrate and my package from @mephisto !:woohoo:


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    Friday Update
  • Just an update before the weekend:
    Got myself a ph meter and as I expected from my city's water quality reports, it was ycoming out of the tap at 9.3. I also know it has chlorine so I left a 5 gallon barrel out to dissipate.
    Today I eyeballed about how much lemon juice I'd need to drop the ph to around 6.5
    My chef training obviously came in handy as my quick math worked and it is sitting comfortably at around 6.3.
    Went to go check out the MMJ grow shop up the street from my new house. After talking for while and checking out their stock of autoflower seeds (Mostly Humboldt Seed Co.), she offered me 30% a 3 pack of Twenty20 Mendocino's Muchacha and I couldn't resist!

    I've got two of them soaking in distilled water (4-6 hrs i think, since the package says they have an extra thick shell?), then ill transfer them into 5 gallon pots. Starting in about 1.25 qt of 75% FF Light Warrior/25% FF Ocean Forest+Mykos. The rest if the pots are prepared with a Living soil mix with Natures Living Soil and OF + Mykos.

    I figured I'd get these started as small test run before I can have going before I get my order from @mephisto. Cheers everybody, have a wonderful weekend!
    Hope I made the right call?
  • My seeds have been germinating in the soil for about 48 hrs. When I went to check on them 30 min ago, I noticed one seed laying on top with about a 1/4" tail on it (horizontal on the soil). Im not sure if i worked itself free or if I somehow washed it out when I first watered the soil, but I swear it wasn't there this morning when I looked. Anyway, I made sure not to touch it, but i cleared some soil around it and gently covered it (about 1/3-1/2" deep). Fingers crossed I didn't disturb it too much. At least I know I've got the environment right for germination!
    Day 0
  • Here we are at the end of what I'll call "Day Zero" for the Muchachas. # 1 seems to have recovered from being dislodged from the soul and replanted. Starting to curl out of the soil here.

    #2 making progress

    Forum Stomper and Strawberry nuggets x Pink Panama germinating in their pots after soaking for 6 hrs.

    @stan_mephisto @mephisto @Twenty20 Adam @Marshydro
    Day 2: Muchachas
  • #1 is looking good. #2's helmet still barely holding on. No action on the Forum Stomper and SNxPP. I covered them up vented black potting containers and paper to give them an extra few hours of darkness to hopefully trigger germination. Not sure if that works or not, but we'll see.
    Muchacha #1

    Muchacha #2
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