High CBD Strains

Reviving an old thread here, and wonder if any of you all, have grown any of the High CBD strains mentioned, or any of the ones that have come out since this thread was last updated.

I just grew an D-F Dinamed auto, and am so overly happy with the results for both my wife and myself.

Last year I grew DF dinamed cbd auto, DF IPCBD auto & DP charlottes angel auto. This year, I’m just finishing up a grow with DF kush cbd auto & Kannabia swiss dream auto. I can’t say that I have done these genetics justice, especially last year, because my dad was dying and I had to travel unexpectedly.

Here is how it went so far for me:
- dinamed cbd auto: a small plant in my garden with a medium yield (relative to other grows that I have done in that environment). Has done wonders for my husband’s osteoarthritis. He takes this regularly and it takes care of his pain, swelling & stiffness! One time, he hadn’t taken it for a while and he took a large dose when his hands were very swollen and painful - and only a few hours later, the swelling was gone!

-DF IPCBD auto: also a small plant, a fast finisher with a small yield. My husband and I both vaped it and took it as a tincture, but didn’t like the rushy high. I harvested, when the trichs were mostly cloudy with the fist amber coming in.

-DP charlottes angel auto: also a small plant with a small yield. The results for my husband’s hands were equal to the dinamed. I liked vaping this one, when my dad was dying, it seemed to ground my somewhat, especially when spiked with a little thc.

-DF kush cbd auto: also a small plant with similar structure to the dinamed cbd auto. A beautiful plant that sweetened the corona lockup with beauty. These plants were extremely N-sensitive and I might have stunted their flowers a bit by overfeeding. Medium yield for me. They are curing atm, so I can’t say anything about them as medicine.

-Kannabia swiss dream auto: These turned out to be bigger than the other ones, but still on the small side for an auto. They had a much longer flowering time and make big buds, so the yield came out 2x of what the others yielded. I wish I could test them all for CBD content - but if this one works for my husband, it would be my pick for the next run. That would free up space for my other plants!

This is how far I got in this CBD journey and I’m happy to have found this thread to learn from you all! By the way: CBD hasn’t helped me with my anxiety, essential tremor, or insomnia, oh well...

Good wishes to you all!
Hello ALl - I have been getting in to CBD plants recently and try to always have one going alongside the THC plants.
Anyhow, after some reading about it seems to me that everything leads back to a lady called "juanita la lagrimosa" there are a few varying stories out there - but it certainly seemed that a lot of CBD rich strains can trace their roots back to this one.

The story that seemed to be the most prominent when reading was this version - I pulled the below from the RQS site.
The demand for CBD is higher than ever. Breeders have developed 1:1 strains that offer equal parts CBD and THC. These varieties boast CBD’s non-psychotropic effects alongside a subtle high. However, breeders have pushed the envelope even further, giving rise to 1:20 THC:CBD strains. These offer a unique experience compared to traditional high-THC variants.

CBD cultivars have taken the market by storm. But where did it all start? Was it the result of intense selective breeding? Or maybe the discovery of an ultra high-CBD variety?

According to cannabis legend, the creation of Juanita la Lagrimosa was the catalyst.

Juanita la Lagrimosa’s lineage starts with New York City Diesel. Legend has it that a breeder named Jimi selected the strain from a pack of seeds purchased at Spannabis 2004. He selected three males from the group and crossed them with the sativa-dominant cultivar Reina Madre. This pairing gave rise to Juanita la Lagrimosa.

To begin with, the CBD level of Juanita la Lagrimosa remained elusive. She was a popular variety, and breeders used her to create novel strains such as Dancehall. It wasn’t until some of the offspring started winning High Times Cannabis Cup awards that Jimi decided to run tests. Laboratory analysis unveiled a cannabinoid profile of 22% CBD and around 0.7% THC. Such a staggering level of the cannabinoid was an exciting discovery. Her breeders went on to develop a stable feminized version in 2010.

Juanita la Lagrimosa has since been used to create some of the most popular high-CBD cultivars.

Just thought I would put it up.

Has anyone tried any of this?

I might as well chime in here. So far, my only CBD strains are Dinamed Auto Cbd Kush, and Dinamed Auto CBD Kush (reversed female) x Dinamed Auto CBD (thanks to @GeorgeCloney using some pollen of mine). Both strains are ~~20:1 CBD:THC, The Auto CBD Kush is a small plant, very pretty, and vape testing reveals no significant THC. I use rosin from this to adjust cbd levels in MCT oil tincture that I make. The aroma, color, and vape flavour of this strain are exceptional in my relatively noob opinion. Sadly, due to Dinamed's downfall, seeds for this strain are no longer available unless you know someone who has made them. A prime example of why, if you really like a strain, it is time to make yer own seeds. :biggrin:

I haven't had much experience with the cross, but the one plant I grew out was larger, had similar if milder flavour/aroma, and also no real high, so it is also more or less all CBD and negligible THC. I will grow a few more in solos this winter to check it out better.

Happy CBD chasing peeps. :pighug: