Live Stoner Chat Hi from Spain

Thanks all!

I drive daily as part of my job, and here the traffic police sometimes do the mouth swab thingy, so regular consumption is out of the question.

I was involved in herbal medicines for 20+ years, so I like to experiment.

What do I do with it all?

I used to make weed cookies for cancer patients (free), since I considered it a useful way to get rid of the surplus, help someone having a bad time and learn at the same time. Now I want to perfect my weed gummies - but not quite there yet.

Quite a bit goes into coconut oil, great for massage, and gets the ladies "in the mood" down there.. (not for me, the old wotsit just goes "weed? great! time to flop and chill out..)

My barbeques are always a success, too..

I gave up for a couple of years because I was sick of scrounging "friends", who suspected I grew but never saw the plants, but knew I had a stash.

And too much work, too. Plain lack of time.

I live in an apartment, but have a big terrace.

I also grow eco vegetables, and since march no longer buy lettuce, spinach, celery, beetroot, radishes..

The cherry and large tomato plants are almost ready to flower now, onions and leeks coming along nicely, as is my 1 lemon a week tree, and 2 strawberries a day..

I am better known on one of the Spanish forums (my rating there is "Great nugget" ), but I must say that here you push the autos to the max!!
Good grief not the cheek swabby thingy ... do they have that in the US? Sounds barbaric, and for no reason, just to have a look see?

Times are changing — maybe in this lifetime the powers that be will see it for what it is — a plant.

I’ve never had a green thumb but figured I’d try my luck growing and surprise — turns out I can grow pot. Now I love to grow but can’t smoke all the weed I produce (even with help from friends) and I’ve started some vegetables too, mostly DWC but some coco too. Just getting my feet wet and I’ve still got to sort out what’ll have problems and what’ll grow easy, but so far I’ve started a bunch of different lettuce, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green pepper, green onion, snow peas, broccoli, micro greens, cucumber, cantaloupe, chives, kale, beets, nasturtiums, strawberries, and the piece de resistance .. a blueberry bush going in next week. Ha! :rofl: Don’t know if you don’t try...
Here you can get the swab 4 in 1 plus alcohol even at 8 am..

Veg can be fun, I love it!

And you can eat it in front of the kids..

I wanted to try a vertical bucket, so..


I bought a rubbish bin, put a worm tube in the middle and set to!

22 plants in a small space.