Hi AFN, new here and looking for help

that's fine, it's a good product, with lots of extras in it,.. not a bad thing, you just have to be aware of what the other products have in them so you don't over do anything, N-P-K, Ca-Mg, humics, micro's, etc.,..... with Tiger Bloom, you're fine for N and the relatively small amount of Ca-mg going in,...full dose mate!
Yanked the plant outta the pot....whoa man. You can stunt the crap out of autos like that. Hope the gamble pays off for you.
I know man, first grow anxiety I guess. The critters freaked me out!
Agree with @Waira (always : P) but yeah I use Botnicare CalMag+ as well but have recently switched to General Hydroponics CALiMAGic for the simple N-P-K value mentioned above. I needed a shit-ton of CalMag but the ladies were showing no need of Nitrogen (too much in fact!) and the one from GH is 1% vs the 2%. Whoopee-doo but hey there's nothing I won't do for my ladies (also it was only 15 bucks on Amazon for a quart).

I'm sure your plants will be fine man, just keep reading and posting in the forums. Welcome and nice to have ya RJ!

Welcome RJ,

I was gonna Tag @Waira but I see he beat me to it. You could not be in better hands. Listen to him, he knows his stuff. After all, I taught him everything he *knows. eP.

*about Greyhound racing that is. When it comes to canna, he taught me !