Sweet I'm excited to see them for sure the triple d as I call them is very easy to grow and I'm hoping you get the pheno that the dark purple dark green and bright orange it's gorgeous atleast I think so and if you need nething don't hesitate to ask I will be watching closely. Remember to keep the seedlings at 80 degrees for best growth and you will see wat I was talking about good luck send good vibes and karma ur way.
Wanted to wait until tomorrow but look up this morning and she started to flower!! Looks like it was yesterday it started as I didnt check her yesterday.
She looks good bud nice structure wat size pot is it in I run mostly 1gal and I pull about 2oz average regardless of strain so far, excited to watch the show. And I hope ur feeling better as I no how that is wouldn't wish it on someone I hated anyway I hope all is well sending good vibes and karma ur way.
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