Hey AutoFlower Network ( Hoping For Your Help )


IceWater Mephisto x2 ( Journal )
Mar 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Blackberry Kush
Hey Guys : I have noticed since plants went into flower seems the bottom fan leaves are yellowing and have a few blotches on them. I used one of those Moisture/soil ph meters and it claims my soil ph is 7.1 . I am feeding with the General Organics Go Box . It says no need to (ph) and usually i still would check ph of my water . i dropped my probe and smashed it so i have not ph'd water in months. Im using a 400 watt hps with Pro mix Bx with , kelp meal,worm castings,rock dust,epsom salt's. I am feeding at 800-1000 ppm with tap water that is left out a few nights with a air stone bubbling away . All post pics below ( : The strain is BlackBerry Kush From Dutch Passion (Auto) .
Here's Pics Of Her She is around 35 days I am guessing


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Cool ... All keep checking lol only one i have going at the moment and am really needed to get her to yield the best i can ( : have not bought smoke in years lol
Cool ... All keep checking lol only one i have going at the moment and am really needed to get her to yield the best i can ( : have not bought smoke in years lol

Icewater you have calmag issue.. The short quick fix would be to add some cal+mag+iron.. that will green them back up!! I use Botnicare its dirt cheap.. what are you going to use for bloom?
Hey Elvis thanks for the advice ( Im all shook up ) lol . I have been adding the 5ml per gallon of cal mag . im guessing your saying thats not enough? Is iron a separate nute ? or is that in with the cal mag ???
Icewater you have calmag issue.. The short quick fix would be to add some cal+mag+iron.. that will green them back up!! I use Botnicare its dirt cheap.. what are you going to use for bloom?
For bloom i have used some bat guano teas a few times and general organics go box bloom nutes , Bio thrive and Bio Bud are the names of the two bloom bottles.
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For bloom i have used some bat guano teas a few times and general organics go box bloom nutes , Bio thrive and Bio Bud are the names of the two bloom bottles.
you have good nutes no issues there.. IMO you need cal+mag bottle.. make it simple.. autos eat the crap!!! :pass:
Im going to try my hand at the infirmary once again since im high and have nothing better to do than help others haha only have a photo still in Veg.

In my opinion, (could be wrong)

PREPOST EDIT : Questions in order from the info of the first post. Every next question is affected by a previous one.

1. What Soil PH/Moisture Meter do you own? Most cheap ones are not too reliable......
2. What is your water source? People with Low PH water tend to still use PH UP and people with low PH etc....
3. Naturally, what is the PH of your water source? If RO or Distilled then that would explain the CalMag Def. The only nute i ever used full strength + with an auto is CalMag (maybe + = Iron)....
4. What space are you using that light in? Those plants look really stretched out to me and that could mean the light is too far....
5. Sucks about that probe......could the teas perhaps be changing the PH? Calcium and Magnesium are available at higher PHs than most other nutes.....
6. Is just the water being left out for a few days to bubble and then mix and feed OR water/feed mixed and bubbled OR (3) Water bubbled then feed mixed and left to bubble then fed? Just wondering because if you are mixing the GO BOX and the TEAS together a good experiment to do if you got another PH METER would be to do a small amount with option 3 and let the feed mix and bubble for 24hours and check PH then.....just a thought....

Now for a more personal question.....could we see the girls in their natural habitat?

Just trying to help and by no means not as experienced as most here like Elvis.......like to think im doing great sofar and even surprised myself but always something new with every strain and i have no EXP with this one.....

Grow on Folk!

PS : Just realized i spent 45mins on this typing and reseaching, haha! This smoke is great but not before bedtime