hermie seeds info

Jun 12, 2019
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hey again folks, last year i plucked few seeds than came out of lem haze bagseed, the smoke was fantastic, anyways iv them planted in the ground in my outdoor garden, out of 20 plants 4 stayed small and are few weeks into flowering already!! happy days, xtra bud !! the others are growing like regular seeds but with no signs yet of any males and they havnt started flowering either. i suppose time will tell, it got me thinking........because i could do with few seeds again for nxt year

yesterday i checked up on my other outdoor garden because i suspected i had a hermie with an auto oldskool hashplant and it def is, white hairs everywhere but i also seen 5 male pollen sacks , i also found one of my auto chesse xxl has hairs and 4 male pollen sacks forming to, none are opened yet on either so i relocated them in the only place a have left about 80 meters away from my good true girls.

If i let the two hermies seed out what kind of seeds would they be?
Is 80 meters far enough or will i end up with seeds in my true girls?

thx for any help!!
If i let the two hermies seed out what kind of seeds would they be?

hey @rockstarrr99 , if you let them go they will pollinate each other (making fem seeds) but with a extremely high chance the seeds you make will carry the Hermaphroditic traits of the parents, every time you plant them there will be a very high to 100% chance they will all herm... now you could just take the chance and see if it works (the story of Gorrila Glue come to mind, that came form herm seed) but that up to you

my guess is that 80m may not be enough... which way does the wind blow
A mile isn't far enough if you have a good breeze in the right direction.
I believe pollen has a 20 mile radius and hermied pollen will make seeds that will b prone to hermaphrodite not a guarantee they will but they will b more prone to under any stresses. If u want good pollen use coloidial silver n spray a few lower buds only downfall to that is that u cant smoke the buds u spray.
thanks for the help again folks!! im learning quickly
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ps, has anyone ever managed to cut of the branches that contain the male parts to get rid of the pollen sacks before they open? my auto hashplant hermie is a lovely looking plant just short of 4ft and i would of loved a good toke, its hard to kill her after the hard work :(