Indoor Heres my The Fruits of venus auto

hey guys my update shes spawning new growth everywhere is that bud growth normal?

DSCF2609.jpgDSCF2612.jpgDSCF2616.jpgDSCF2615.jpgDSCF2613.jpgDSCF2618.jpguntitledsdsd.JPGuntitledsdww.JPG always grow a beautiful girl...
looking forward to seeing how they finish...:thumbs:
update shes looking great a few days left wooohoo xD

Hey man, how's it going?
I'm growing a Fruitta de Venus atm. Only thing is she seems well short! Just over 20cm and about 2 1/2 weeks in to flowering. Did yours shoot up at the end of the grow. Ive got some nice buds forming, just wondering how big she will get.
hey guys Dave my plant is about 1 foot and near half high no she didint get much bigger during flowering the buds did though
i just got my jewl loupe its cool shes ready to cut not for a day or two though 5 doolars it costs for that loupe xD very cool

dave post a few pics bro

looking nice mate! i got one of those loupes and my flatmate bought me a little science museum microscope for christmas. Its amazing. Really lets you zoom in and see it in detail. Looks like I'm unlucky and got a bit of a stunted plant. See how she goes....
bro never lose hope

post them soon i wanna see
