New Grower Help with setup for my first grow.

Hello @Erich.


Welcome to AFN!

I have a little bit of experience growing in a cabinet. There is a link to my first grow in my signature line. I grew in an IKEA office cabinet - similar but not the same. My cabinet was 2.5 feet wide, 1.5 feet deep and 4 feet tall. Here’s what it looked like:

The filter and fan blew the air out the top of the cabinet. It kept my apartment from smelling like...I think I called the smell “weed and old gym shoes.” Once you plants start to flower they will have a strong smell to them. Depending on the strain, the smell may be very slight or it may be very strong. The filter and fan take care of the...mostly.

To answer a couple of your questions based on my experience:

1. You may be able to go a couple of weeks without giving your plants nutrients. But you will want to have something on hand when you do want to start.

2. I used 1/4 strength nutients for my whole grow, but my experience is that I might have been able to give more. It’s best to start off with small amounts and add more if your plants tolerate it.

3. I would follow the recommendation of your light manufacturer for the height. If they don’t say, then find someone with the same light and see what they do.

4. During my first grow, I used a 20 on/4 off light schedule, but I’ve cut that back to 18/6. The reason I did that was because I have a powerful light that will cause burning and nutrient deficiencies if I don’t. It has nothing to do with the plant biology of it. In fact, autoflowering plants don’t need to have any darkness in order to use the sugars that they during from photosynthesis. I just like giving my plants an opportunity to rest from all the photons I’m raining down on them.

5. Finally...I would just stick with your one light for this grow. See how it does. It may be more than enough light for your grow space. If, after this grow, you think you need more light, you can go out and get some more lights.

You should always feel welcome to come back and ask more questions if you have them. @archie gemmill reads everything. I mean every. thing. He’ll set you in the right direction.

By the way, here’s how my first grow finished:
great post mcpd_ :thumbsup: and nice chunks of bud :pass:only half the @ seem to work,a lot slips me by,so if i dont pop in in a while shout at me :smoking:
i did a ton of research before i started growing,had settled on earth juice nutes they seemed so shit hot.......turns out if you outside the states you probably wont find them,biobizz widely available in eu is what i have used for years.
a 1st grow is all about getting some buds...dont have to be great,dont have to be thing for sure is as a grower you will get so much bettereven using the same stuff and doing it the same way,your plants will improve as a result of that.
dont ever panic n keep er lit.
Thanks everyone - seems like im on the right track to get my first grow started and im sure I will learn a lot from the process and I can tweak on grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG].
I added a small oscillating fan to my shopping list to help the plant get stronger and it will probably help keep the closet a little bit cooler too.

I cut the hole at the top of my cabinet and installed the light and im testing the set up for a couple days before the rest of my stuff is delivered. Dont need my cabinet to melt or a fire to start or anything like that.

Thanks to the person who said I do not need total darkness when the lights are off - that will a bit since my set up is not light proof just yet - probably wont make it 100% light proof if it does not need to be.
I asked a coupe of specific questions in different AFN forums but I got no reply so im going to paste those questions here - hopefully this is fine.

I have an Opera PH test kit with the 4/7 calibration stuff and ph up/down

My question is how do I actually test PH with the thing?

I have nutes (fox farm) so I would put the nutes into filtered water and then measure the PH of the that water/nute mixture shortly before I put it on the plant correct?

And im going for a PH level of 6-6.5 for soil?

So prep water, test that water and add ph up/down to that water PRIOR to watering the plant.

Or. Do I stick the PH tester into the dirt itself?
Or. Do I test the run off water after I water?
Im using the root organics 707 soil and from what I read this soil should have enough notes in it so I do not need to provide any notes for the first 3-4 weeks of the plants life.

GROW BIG - I would start with the "Grow Big" in the vegetative state so maybe one feeding since the first 3-4 weeks do not need any additional notes.

TIGER BLOOM - Once I see buds, I would switch to "Tiger Bloom" and use that until I flush the soil closer to harvest.

BIG BLOOM - This can be used for the entire life cycle of the plant but again, since my dirt has 3-4 weeks of notes in it I could probably start this one on week 5 or 6?

I also read that I should do 1/4 - 1/2 strength. Is this correct?

What does everyone else do for a feeding schedule when using fox farms trio?
If you also use roots organic 707 soil please mention that.

Also, I should probably start to learn to read my plants.

So what are some signs and fixes? i.e. if I see a bunch of pale green leafs then pack on the nitrogen (grow big)

What is the ideal temp/humiditiy levels of a small grow room for a young seedling, in the veg state, and in the flower state.
Yeah don’t rush nutrients until the plants are well established. As for ph you want to make sure your water ph is between 6-6.7 around that area. I’ve never once ph’d my soil and unless you have a soil meter don’t worry about it just be sure to ph the water. I can’t help you with calibrations ect because I’ve always used the ph test kits for aquariums with the liquid solution.

What is the ideal temp/humiditiy levels of a small grow room for a young seedling, in the veg state, and in the flower state.

For seedling I’d aim for 60-70% if possible and for veg I try to hit 55-65% and for flower I typically stay with a 50-65% though people typically lower their humidity during the last couple of weeks of flower. It’s all just a personal preference type deal...

Keep in mind you want good ventilation and airflow on the plants themselves too. It helps keep bugs away and mildew as well. Stagnant air in a humid environment can cause for mildew but I’ve never had an issue with mildew in humidity up to 85%+ thanks to proper airflow... Also if you have a bunch of overlapping leaves it’s best to defoliate them some so they aren’t all overlapping causing stagnant spots. Mites and other critters love to find stagnant areas to breed like crazy. Mites also dislike high humidity which is a bonus too. Fungus gnats love the humidity though but thankfully do little damage. If you see little gnats crawling in your soil it’s because you are overwatering and need to allow the pots to dry out more and maybe add perlite over the soil. Just Incase you ever get them as they are common. They munch on roots but a established plant faces little risk of stress from the little bit they eat.

I really wouldn’t go over 70-75% as the max though as you don’t want to damage electronics. But I generally like somewhere around 65% the entire grow but I don’t freak out if it spikes to the 80’s temporarily during a rainy week or something along those lines.

Also keep in mind using salt based anything in organic will make it not organic which is fine since you have bottled nutrients anyway...

As for issues with the plants and what to do as well as a general grow guide overall check out it’s easy to navigate and has tons of helpful tips.

Also yes starting out at around 1/4str is best but again don’t rush the feeding.
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Thanks @LedGuy74

What about watering time? Should it be the same every time? i.e at 8am or does water time effect other stuff? i.e. I think I read if you need to higher humidity, you can water right after the lights turn on in the morning.