New Grower Help with setup for my first grow.

Jun 28, 2018
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This is my first post about my first grow so im sorry if i missed anything in advance. I also mixed questions all around the book i wrote below instead of all the questions at the end/beginning.

I bought a couple of auto flower seeds from growers choice. Tangerine Dream, Northern Lights, and Blueberry.

I have an IKEA wardrobe that is empty so i plan on using that for the grow room.

It is 2.5 ft wide by 2 feet deep. The height can be adjusted using shelving.

I plan to start with one plant to get a baseline and then test new things with every new grow.

I got a 300W LED from amazon - this is the exact one.

Amazon product

I have read a bunch of conflicting content online but i think i will be doing a 20/4 light schedule for the life of the plant since this is an auto flowering plant.

I will probably do low level stress training just so the light can get to the smaller branches…

Pots - 2 gallon fabric pots
Dirt - I got the root organics 707 formula
PH - I got a apera ph meter and general hydroponic ph up and down

From what i read, i should not have to use any Nutrient in the first 3-4 weeks since they are in the dirt - is this true?

After the 3-4 weeks of no nutes, i plan on using the Fox Farms Nutes found here:

I ready that i should use 1/4 - 1/2 strength every other watering - is that correct? Some journals i have read claim that they used NO nutes at all for autoflower plants using the soil i got - would that work?

I also read that i should water when the top centimeter or two of soil becomes dry - is that a good gauge?

How much water though? just pour it on until it starts coming out of the drainage holes or just a little bit at a time?

Is there any other nutes or soil additives i should i get? if so when do i use them?
If the seed bank says it flowers in 50-60 days does that mean it STARTS to flower in 50-60 days or it is close to harvest within 50-60 days?
Thanks for any tips in advance!

Additional Questions.
1 - I plan on hanging the light 20-24 inches from the plant then dropping it to 12-15in durning flower. good?
2 - Is a 20 hour on 4 hour off light schedule good for the life of the plant? (auto flower plants)
3 - since this is an autoflower seed - it just starts flowering when it wants to so what spectrum light do i use? Do i use blues in the beginning? and shift to reds at the end or full spectrum from day 1?
If i should switch spectrums, how far in should i switch?
4 - Should i get some lights for the side of the grow room as well or will the 300W overhead light be enough assuming i have 1 plant in the grow room? What if i decide to grow 2 plants at a time? Side lights then?
:welcome: Hi and welcome to AFN! :welcome:

I seen you didn't mention anything about air extraction of circulation. Have you planned for this? Also, when are you planning on sprouting your seeds? Have you decided on a germination method? :peace:
The LED has 2 extractions fans. I had planned on soaking the seeds for 24 hours in water then transferring to paper towel until the tap root says hello.
I just remembered I will be on vacation for a week about 3 weeks into this grow. Should I wait until I return from vacation before I start this or do you think a watering prior to leaving for vacation would keep the plants good until I return (one week later?)
I just remembered I will be on vacation for a week about 3 weeks into this grow. Should I wait until I return from vacation before I start this or do you think a watering prior to leaving for vacation would keep the plants good until I return (one week later?)
You are taking a chance on that, look up a simple holiday water system.
Light height you will have to play with. Nute schedule sounds about right. Yes a good inch or two down, if your finger is dry then water. I give a good slow soak until water dribbles out the bottom. They seem to take 20% of the pot volume in water.

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There is a guy on here just posted a grow in an IKEA cabinet

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I have read a bunch of conflicting content online but i think i will be doing a 20/4 light schedule for the life of the plant since this is an auto flowering plant.
********************* i run 19/5 just to be odd***********************

I will probably do low level stress training just so the light can get to the smaller branches…

Pots - 2 gallon fabric pots
Dirt - I got the root organics 707 formula
PH - I got a apera ph meter and general hydroponic ph up and down

From what i read, i should not have to use any Nutrient in the first 3-4 weeks since they are in the dirt - is this true?
************* depends what nutes are preloaded in the soil,some very low some very first feed day 10ish****************

After the 3-4 weeks of no nutes, i plan on using the Fox Farms Nutes found here:

I ready that i should use 1/4 - 1/2 strength every other watering - is that correct? Some journals i have read claim that they used NO nutes at all for autoflower plants using the soil i got - would that work?
***************they may of had some added tabs or super soil ammendments?****************

I also read that i should water when the top centimeter or two of soil becomes dry - is that a good gauge?
***********its ok i prefare to lift up the pot,i had a spare pot with just dry soil sat in the corner for months as a gauge of a bone dry pot****************

How much water though? just pour it on until it starts coming out of the drainage holes or just a little bit at a time?
**************for the first week its more of a dribble,then a splash and as it gets a bit bigger a full soaking***************

Is there any other nutes or soil additives i should i get? if so when do i use them?
If the seed bank says it flowers in 50-60 days does that mean it STARTS to flower in 50-60 days or it is close to harvest within 50-60 days?
Thanks for any tips in advance!
*******************sometimes they tell porkies and its 2 weeks ontop of what they say,but plants tell us when they ready,so counting days to some folk is not bothered with.*************

Additional Questions.
1 - I plan on hanging the light 20-24 inches from the plant then dropping it to 12-15in durning flower. good? ************trial and error a bit of playing about/tweeking*************
2 - Is a 20 hour on 4 hour off light schedule good for the life of the plant? (auto flower plants) **********any hours they will grow as long as its regular***********
3 - since this is an autoflower seed - it just starts flowering when it wants to so what spectrum light do i use? Do i use blues in the beginning? and shift to reds at the end or full spectrum from day 1? *************to most its full blurt from day one*********************
If i should switch spectrums, how far in should i switch?
4 - Should i get some lights for the side of the grow room as well or will the 300W overhead light be enough assuming i have 1 plant in the grow room? What if i decide to grow 2 plants at a time? Side lights then?[/QUOTE] ****************************get a grow under your belt and mull it over before next grow***************
(i am an eejit the above was just an opinion)
good luck n keep er lit
The LED has 2 extractions fans. I had planned on soaking the seeds for 24 hours in water then transferring to paper towel until the tap root says hello.
I'm referring to the extraction of stale/hot air from your grow area. This helps to keep temps down and pulls in fresh air. I would guess for a wardrobe size grow, you would need a 2 - 300 Cubic Feet per Minute, (CFM) exhaust fan. You may also need a filter to attach to it if smell is a concern! You will also need a fan to blow on your girls to help prevent mold/mildew and make the branches strong to hold those heavy buds! :headbang: