New Grower help with seed


Dragon Addiction Councellor
Aug 28, 2011
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i germinated a few seed 3 days ago---i planted in my promix and set on a heat pad--all were up next day but 1.a northern lights auto-i can see as it grows but it is acting like a screw on its side.i can see where in is above surface in 3 rolls like a spiral staircase but laying in the soil.i places a clear piece of plastic over top of planter to hold in there anything i can do.its a fem seed so would not like to loose it!!!the top has not emerged as of yet---
i had a Jem that grew like that.
luckily there was room to add more
dirt around the long stem when she
stretched towards the light.
if thats not an option you could
tie her to a chopstick untill she gets
bigger. :2cents:
Also, pics are good. I have had a few seeds grow twisted, but never lying along the dirt. Usually it seems to happen when the seed husk doesn't come off all the way, but sometimes they just curl.
I just finished a test with some autoflowers. I allowed for the seedling to get very etioliated 9stretched out. I then transplanted the seedling so that the bottom leaves were flush with the dirt. The result was this:

the stem that was buried produced roots over the entire underground section. However the plant also sent out new shoots, so i got a plant with 2 new branches which formed below the soil line and the popped up.

what i m trying to say is go ahead and let it grow and as said by others simply cover up the stem with soil. good luck!
I've seen a few strange growths in the years I've been messing with the ladies...recently had a FIRST....sprouted a seed, planted it....two days later I had a TAIL 1" UP & stretching !!! ...seed had not popped open correctly, had to delicately turn her over and remove the showing cots and first true leaves but will be surprised if she doeesn't stress from her weird birth....
yea hit it on the head---i planteds --tail came up turned down below soil the retured to surface 3 times --finally got it growing up.had to remove cap myself!!!it is a northern lights auto.strange but we will see how she does