Help with nutrition problems? GK Organics line

Hey Joe383, thanks for your considerations bro! I was thinking about that, they took all the pot very fast during veg, i will definetly pick some larger pots next time.
As i dont have any extractor changing the room's air, only for the box, i cant really let the plants that close from the bulb, the tops are probably 15'' from the light . Plus i am using the super lumens function so it's a bit more than 250w.

Wayra, already got Biothieve Bloom. In the past i always used to pick GO, this time i tried to be fancy lol.
I love CaMg+ but man i don't know why i can't find it for sale here in europe anymore.

Harvested Kaya yesterday, im kind of impressed by the results with all the defc she had flowering.
Top guy
Do have to say bravo to plants that large in those pots. You should partake in the next solo cup, chip bag or what ever small pot they come up with for the next micro grow off.
Thanks man, besides the ok results she suffered a lot from deficiency. Can't imagine how producer she could be if i had no problem during flower with this 7L pot.