Outdoor help with my Autoflower!



ok heres the problem, my auto flowers are about two weeks old and they cotyledons are about the width of my little finger and my first true leaves are the size of my thumb how comes they are this small? is this normal?
Hey man. Sounds totally normal. I wouldn't worry about it. Just let it do it's thang.
alright im just scared my babies are dieing i mean its not even april and they are outside and ive transplanted them 3 times hahah
Why have you transplanted three times in one week? Transplanting usually stunts autos. It's recommended to plant them in their final spot.
ive transplanted them 3 times

Transplanting stalls autos. You should only transplant them once into their final pots when they sex, that's it. Also if it's cold out and less sun (winter - early spring) they aren't going to grow fast. Next time sprout and vege them inside for the first few weeks.
i cant, i start them inside in a pot for aslong as i can, my room mate is anti and he knows what they look like so as soon as first true leaves appear i plant them in the hole in the ground outside. i keep them in the original soil i just dig the hole then place the plant into it.
Even your dick is small when your young but slowly but surely it grows into the monster you hoped for,so just leave the little girl alone and she will treat you right.