not greengo cause they shit,silver rizla or my new favs
My autoflower black jack herer is showing deficiency of some sort in the last week it is now day 50. Can someone tell me what this is I was thimking magnesium and about 6 days ago made Epsom salt solution and sprayed the plant especially under the leaves any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also there is no sign of stunted growth it has gone from 50cm to 60cm in the last few day
looks good

nice size and structure with it.bottom 5% of the plant dont matter and will get manky leaves.
Hi my grow is in a 15l airpot I used BioBizz light mix soil and didn’t add nutrients until week 4. The nutrients used are organic from BioBizz range. I didn’t have to water the plant so much as the temps were not very high for the first month of growing which also caused the plant to have a slow start the temps were between 10-20 degrees Celsius and the last couple weeks between 15 and 30 degrees celcius. Humidity quite low as I am in ireland the plant is being kept at the door of greenhouse that is left wide open.
The water I was using for them was ph 6.0 from an alkaline water machine which does not remove minerals from water and I suspect that over time the soil may have possibly become acidic so just 4 days ago I put some powdered lime like dolomite on the surface of soil and gave it a good flushing with tap water which is about ph 7.0 in my area. Since this the symptoms have not got worst and just the couple of leaves that were effected at first have stayed pretty much the same
Also at the first sign of the yellowing and browing at the edges of the leaves a couple weeks ago I mixed up some Epsom salts in water and foliar sprayed the plant
Feeding 1 (1/4 dose at start)
0.5ml biogrow
0.5ml bioheaven
Feeding 2
0.5ml biogrow
0.5ml bioheaven
Feeding 3
1.0ml biogrow
1.0ml bioheaven
0.5ml alga mic
Feeding 4 (this is the mix I fed plant when adding the lime and ph 7.0 water and symptoms have not advanced)
1.0ml bio grow
1.0ml bio heaven
0.5ml alga mic
0.5ml biobloom
0.5 ml topmax
The pictures below are 3 days after the flush with ph 7 water and nutrients
Thanks I’m advance for the help
week 4 is a tad late..had a bit of a cool start but they did good.PH being out of range makes everything else fuzzy re diagnosing defs toxs.PH is key if the plant is a bit off.
i dont know much about the different forms of calcium/magnisium of which there are many slightly different forms,they have from slow to fast release rates,some can take 6 weeks to break down.but chill it looks good to me.for outdoors/semi greenhouse they great.
I was just going off seed banks maximum days seed to harvest and adding 10 days onto that which would be another 3.5 weeks but it does look like it could take a while longer. I just got a jewellers microscope lens today. Is it ok to remove the leaves that are messed up. Also as you can see in the pics something has been eating small leaves at bottom and one is a discoloured black could that be from getting wet when watered?
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most seed banks waffle,some get within 2 weeks,and a few within a week of predicted times.
im a tad lazy i let any leaf brown wither up and fall off.outdoors the odd nible from a passing in their territory

its when ya see hundreds of tiny tiny holes ya worry
What dosages of nutrients should I use I have bio grow, bio bloom, top max, bio heaven and algamic also doesn’t it look like I need to add more magnesium in the form of Epsom salts or calcium in the form of the light grey powder which is dolomite? Would it stress the plant out to chop of large fan leaves that are off colour and not looking well?
let the plant suck the nutrients from messed up leaves,or take the nastiest off that will fall off in the next 48hours.
all them forms of lime confuze me.its just the very bottom thats mis was fed very light/then got a flushing out/the PH was off a bit to.chill make sure the PH is within range,up the nutes you be grand
A lot of the large fan leaves are very white also. Maybe the fact that I was using 6.0 ph water blocked some nutrients now up at around 7.0 hopefully should solve it. I don’t have a ph tester but I will get one for next week when I am back with plant and test the soil
again it was fed late and then fed lightly.its a nice looking plant,but hungry

biobizz nutes a fairly mild and for that size and age of plant i wouldnt be scared of throwing hmm 3ml/L of grow and bloom at it.....................but never take and act on the first bit of advice ya get.they could be an eejit.allways get a forth opinion

a schedule is just something you look at and consider.they not to be followed blindly.
im not that good at schedules half are empty other than dates and x but heres one i managed to fill in
root juice and heaven aint worth shit if the bottles was twice the size and half the price.i started with grow but when the bottle ran out i switched to fish mix.
that plant was finished in 75 days.most of my grows are +/- a week of this,so my nutes can be +/- a week here and there and the plants dont complain much.
i feed top max all wrong,but i have done from the start so im sticking to it

il stop before i rabit on and forget even more shit.
good luck n keep er lit