Indoor HELP: Setting up a 4'x4' Tent (autoflower)

really, I thought I read 8-9 auto flowers can fit in a 4x4? I know nothing. This is for medical grow as well so I want perfect plants, quality over quantity.

It's my understanding that an autoflower's max growth is determined by the size of its pot, to a point. You could put 9 in that tent in smaller than a 3gal pot and do fine, though overall growth and yield would be limited. I plan to use 3gal pots to maximize plant size for my own grow and will do 2-4 plants in my 3x3. Autos are generally much smaller than photo period types though. I think the best method is trial and error with some initial guidance. For your first grow, maybe you don't try such a large number of plants? See how it goes..

I must disclose that I'm new and haven't done my own first grow yet, so hopefully this isn't the blind leading the blind. I have done quite a bit of reading over the past few weeks though and only trying to help.
Always start smaller and learn. Its what i have done. Autos can get huge! Chexk out the glueberry threads and you will find one take over a 4x4 tent. One plant. I had a DP auto euphoria get 4 ft tall in my tent. You just dont want to waste good seeds and soil.
Cbooga. I was in your shoes a couple weeks ago. I still don't have the full setup together, but I eventually decided to piece together my own gear. Do research into COB LED and visit afterward. I am personally going with 3x3x6 tent for my chosen area and have purchased 2 cobs so far. I will potentially bump to 4 later for this area. From the tent, to the lighting, to the ventilation and odor control, to the medium and nutes - everything is being pieced together for my desired wants/needs. I feel you can learn much more doing it this way because you're forced to really do your homework up front.
Szhlux led 400 watts from the wall....avg 750 par even in the sides, 160$