hello all at afn! first of all let me congratulate you all for creating such a wonderful site ive seen some lovely plants on here and as im a newbie thought i would join so i could tap into some of you experts as ive just been teaching myself off the net learning as i go! atm ive got four plants just over 6 wks old and five babys that will be 3wks old fri the older ones are doing well as far as i can tell they have started to bud but a lot of the lower leaves and fan leaves are going yellow i read somewhere this is normal as the plant is sucking nitrogen from the leaves in order to bud but some plants ive seen on here are still very green when mature full of bud! why is that? also i have been ph testing the water (with a cheap solution test) before feeding my plants however today i ph tested sum of the run off (for the first time! i only ever have ph tested b4 watering up until now) when i watered my 3wk old plants and the ph came out really low from the chart ive got im guessing about 5.0 maybe 4.0?! (gonna buy a decent ph test next time i go for supplies) does anyone know why the ph is coming bk out the pot so low? they have only been getting 2ml/l of some root stimulator im a lil bit worried so any help with this would be greatly appreciated! i will sort my camera out later put up sum pics if anyone would like to see them thanks again