So I replaced the 190CFM filter/fan with a 440CFM filter/fan combo that is twice the size as I was using. When I was using the 190CFM I had no smeel what so ever. Now I use the 440 to exhaust air out the window and I use the 190 attached to the AC to bring cool air in. There is quite a bit of negative pressure on the tent, so that's no the problem. I woke up this morning and I was smacked in the face with a huge stentch! I live in attached condo's so you can see how this is a big problem. I have every thing attached correctly. Only difference is before I had the fan and filter hanging in the tent with only 6in apart from the fan to the filter. Now I have the fan sitting outside the tent and there is about 5-6 feet between the filter and fan. I really need some sound advice as I can't have this smell going on. Worrying sick sitting at work. =/ The link below is to a vid of my setup. Please advise.