May 25, 2019
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Currently Smoking
I went to check on the ladies tonight and my blueberry auto is showing some strange discolouration on her leaves. She was fine 2 days ago. I've also got pineapple gum ato shes fine, fed with nutes tonight and will check again tomorrow. They had a stunted early life but are permanently in a hydroshoot120 tent, with 2x 135w CFL and another 2 equalling 95w, currently waiting for a 1000w led panel but so far proves elusive. There in a standard commercial soil, fed water and bloom nutes 1x weekly going up this any suggestions how much? Also thought of adding pk boost picture with details. Serisouly any input is appreciated
Forgot the pictures :baked:


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Hey there! I'm seeing similar things on my plants, for me it's across all flowering pots. I had started a post but I think it got lost here in the server migration. I'm gonna stick around and see what people suggest you do.

Sorry I can't give any advice really.

The yellows look like N def and red stems could be P def, do you feed only the PK boost?

Here is a little chart to self diagnose your plants.....

And what is the distance light/plants?
@TheMongol no I haven't started with pk boot I've been feeding them just bloom nutes, I dont have the ratios at hand but will have them when I go check on them tonight. The lights are 30cm give or take above the plants. I have been using 1.5ml bloom nutes to every ltr of water, 1 weekly with nutes and every 2 or so days water. What do you suggest I do to fix it?
id move the light a little futher away , and are you plants really wet or really dry ,
@Uro their thirsty girls pots are nearly always dry but 2nd or 3rd day. The person looking after it said since I changed the bulbs yesterday the temp has been cooler, but I'm yet to go up and see, wont be there for another hour or so.
with all those leaves getting dry your plant may bee sucking energy from the leaves , doesnt look like you defoliated too much , id give it a little more to drink , and cut some of the yellow leaves of , id would start with the ones blocking light to the bottom of the plant or shake the main stem and see how many if any fall off, if the buds forming look fine , becareful how far you go , you got this far ,