Indoor help needed not sure if have a problem

Oct 4, 2011
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hi i started growing 2 autos and notice one is drooping and other it turning pale green on me just wondering if i should change sumthin or am lacking anything i am growning under 7cfl and started them in foxfarm light warrior soil they r about 2 or 3 weeks old but can be off wit the timing a little any advice be great

Cannabis nutrient disorders are caused by too much or too little of one or several nutrients being available. These nutrients are made available between a pH range of 5 and 7 and a total dissolved solids (TDS) range of 800 to 3000 PPM. Maintaining these conditions is the key to proper nutrient uptake.
Couple of questions: How often are you watering them, and have you fed them any nutrients yet? If so, what and how much?
I water them every other day or so depends sumtimes can go 2 days wit out watering them because they still seem moist and i have not fed them anything i use rain water that i keep cold and oxygenated was gonna trans plant them into foxfarm forest so that they could get more nutrients since the light warrior isent all that nutrient filled lol i keep adding to this but would temps cause this i have them 18/6 so that temps will stay higher longer since i live in cold place and temps can range wit light on about 68F to 80s and light off depending on temps out side can range between mid 50s to low 60s
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To me the drooping is a commmon issue with over watering and I would definetly feed them some nutes but wait until you transplant. Also you have some massive swings in temp which is fine if the plants are at the end of there life but not good for the babies. I always keep my temp between 76-82 during the day and 70-74 at night with humidity around 30-40% all the time.
Like you mentioned, FFLW has no nutes and I've found that my plants suffer if they don't get moved to nuted soil within the first two weeks. My last grow I tiered them into FFOF at around 10 days and they responded very well. If you're at 3 weeks or more, your plants are probably starving in that Light Warrior. As for the temps, mid 50s to low 60s isn't ideal for maximum growth, but I doubt that's your problem. When I grew outdoors I'd start seedlings in April and they'd sometimes endure late season cold snaps down below freezing.
i really believe its the soil and lack of nutrients i will tier them into foxfarm forrest today the temps i cant control other then putting a space heater into the shed out side the grow area its very cold here and cant grow inside another question i have pencil size holes in the bottom of the cups there in will that be enough for the roots to grow threw or should i cut bottom of cup off befor i plant the cups in to the other soil? thanx for all input and advice
Hey FullAuto-
Like you, plants luxuriate in warmth. Space heater, even a table lamp (I've used that in greenhouse late in season)...lightbulb will keep them warm. Recall bf from long ago using camping lamp w/ bottled propane....CO2 and heat....get a low flame without having lamp extinguish.
i think i have solution for heat i have tons of reptile lighting hangin around i have heat lights and cermitt heat lamps hangin aroun and think will do the job as they keep temps in my bigger enclousures then my grow area for my reptiles at prefect temps for growin : ) dont know y i dident think of it before was to busy thinkin about actual light lol
Well all the problem was the soil lol well here r sum updated pics of them just wondering if i could cut sum of the fan leaves becuz they pretty big and block light from gettin to bud sites
