Help!! Is this a hermie???



SO checkin my plants it seems one of my CRAK's may be a hermie...have ne girl now boy parts..another one that is just a boy so far...and this last one..CRAK 1.2 to also be a boy but looks weird maybe a hermie...tell me what you think? might have to separate him/her now cause the ball if its a ball on this one looks like its open and looks like a pistil too. the last pic is of the top of the plant which does look like only a male flower...or maybe is just some weird mutation..havent heard yet of a hermie auto AK so maybe in the CR genes..but I didnt cross it when I grew them out maybe recessive or something that came up by the mix..I hope not.... quarantine him/her or leave it in with the rest?







Yes that is indeed a hermie.... the 4 sections opened around the pistil (hair) right? If they did it is a perfect 50/50 hermie with the male and female flowers together as one...

Are there many more like this or only the one or what? Sometimes (if you're lucky) if you pluck the thing off it will not show up again....
Yeah think it did come out in da middle well that transgender part is gettin cut off! tonight and prob choppin the lil wannabee tomorrow. thnx 4 those piks 2..I havent had a hermie in I dont know how long
No problem man! I love freaks of nature so I take pics when I see em... :smoke: