Help identifying the stage of flower of my plant

Aug 1, 2021
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Would this be considered early bloom or mid bloom and should I uptake the phosphorus at this point? I've only fed her once so far just a few days ago with GH trio nutrients @ 2.5mL of micro / flora / bloom and 1.25mL of CalMag per gallon (3.79 liters) of dechlorinated tap water @ 6.4pH. I discovered the first white piston on the 5th of August, more than a week ago from today.

The strain is Banana Kush Auto. She sprouted on July 11th and have lived all her life outdoors starting in a 12 ounce party cup of FFHF. I transplanted her in late July to a 5 gallon fabric pot with 70% FFOF / 30% Perlite.

Weather has been pretty consistent, averaging at 85F / 29C @ 35-40% humidity during the day and 68F / 20C @ 70-80% humidity during the night.


Here's the top:

Here's one of the lower colas:
She is just about to start flowering. If I recall the GH you are using has a "transition to bloom" feeding chart. I would say that is exactly what it's doing right now,, transitioning to flower. It's still going to require N, but your going to want to start tapering it down.
She is just about to start flowering. If I recall the GH you are using has a "transition to bloom" feeding chart. I would say that is exactly what it's doing right now,, transitioning to flower. It's still going to require N, but your going to want to start tapering it down.

I fed her for the transitioning phase a few days ago at half the recommended dose so assume I'm on track with the feeding so far. What's a good indicator to start feeding her the recommended dose for the blooming and flowering phase; when trichomes are present?
I would guess you have another week to get a lil more growth out of her before her buds start to form up a little more.