Help identifying reason for slow seedlings

pH in peat based soilless should be low 6's so you're good there :thumbsup:.... true soils a bit higher in general,... It's always good to pH adjust your inputs (add Ca-Mg first if you are, BTW) to optimal range, it takes some of the buffering load off the medium....
...yeah, with weak nute levels, the plant will slow it's pace and size down, often not showing any defc.'s, but runts out!

I have also been adding CALiMAGic at a general 1mL/L throughout the grows. The weird thing with that is that everyone says that it shouldn't raise your ppms by much, this one bumps it up (1mL in 1L of water increases ppm from ~70ppm to 400ppm) and I worry it could cause burning when adding other nutes.
huh, that's damn weird, no way that small amount should be raising ppm's 300+? That's needs looking into,... your TDS meter might be off calibration too possibly, though they typically hold well over time- :shrug:.... I don't have CaliMg. around or I'd test it myself! ... what's your water source, and if tap, pH and ppm's?
The supp's I mentioned are all water-in- :thumbsup:
Thanks @STILLSMOKIN It’s so tempting to water and feel like you are doin something to help it along. I’ve been working on more patience for this and as I have the plants have improved. Still need a bit of work though

@Waira I usually add CaliMagic, Big bloom, Grow Big and/or Tiger Bloom, then adjust pH.

I am using some cheap Amazon meters. But every so often I’ll double check with pH drops to confirm that I’m in the right range and that it’s not totally off. The ppm meter seems pretty consistent but I might run a few tests with different additives. Maybe even email General Hydroponics to see if they have an approximating of what CaliMagic should be adding, maybe I got a strong batch.
Hey all, I was hoping to get some insight from the vast knowledge that are roaming these forums.

I’ve completed 6 grows so far with an additional 2 going now but I’ve always had slow starters which I believe is why they have not yielded to their full potential. I can’t seem to pinpoint the problem but hopefully someone will notice through the details a flaw in what I’m doing.

My first 4 grows I will be excluding as there was way too many changed variables and deficiency issues to have any consistency. I’d like to focus on my two last grows, and the two current, as they have all been grown in the same consistent conditions. First, I’ll break down the setup and things that all the grows have in common, then I’ll give pictures of each plant at 21 days and any notes of differences between them. Maybe someone will identify where I’m going wrong, or at least where I can improve.

View attachment 1009070
2’x3’x4.5’ Grow tent
400W (200W draw) Roleadro COB Light (18” for seedling/veg, ~12-14” in flower)
4” inline exhaust fan with charcoal filter
6” clip fan for air movement
1 gal fabric smart Pots
Pro-Mix HP Mycorrhizae soil, soaked with water and 1mL of Pro-mix Root-Booster
Water source: Lake water which goes through a charcoal and UV filter. Typically, 6.5-7 pH and 70ppm out of tap but varies a bit with seasonal changes
Nutrients: Fox Farms Trio

Each seed was soaked for 24hrs with water and a bit of hydrogen peroxide, placed in a paper towel until the taproot is 1-2cm long, and planted in the pre-soaked soil. Once planted, they were placed in the tent on an 18/6 lighting schedule which I keep to throughout the grow. Typical tent temperature is about 22-25C during lights on, 16-18C on lights out. The first 2 grows occurred during the summer/fall months and had a RH of 40-55%, the current 2 grows were around 30% RH up to these pictures but I’ve recently purchased a humidifier to keep it closer to 50% during Veg. Additionally, I put plastic cups on the seedlings up to about day 10 to keep humidity up during the early stage.

Plant 1 - Random Auto Seed from Crop King Seeds
- Light watering at day 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 18 with 100-500mL of plain ph’d water
- First feed was on day 21 (pic) with 1L containing 0.5mL CalMag, 1mL Big Bloom, 0.5mL Grow Big. This is about ¼ strength as recommended. Measured at 500ppm/6.2pH
View attachment 1009071

Plant 2 – Red Poison from Sweet Seeds
- Light watering at day 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 with 100-500mL of plain ph’d water
- Watered with minor additions on day 18 with 500mL containing 0.5mL CalMag, 1mL Big Bloom
- First true feed on day 21 (pic) with 1L containing 0.5mL CalMag, 1mL Big Bloom, 0.5mL Grow Big. Measured at 575ppm/6.3pH
View attachment 1009082

Now on to the two current grows (note: I’ve tried to tone down the early light watering’s)

Plant 3 – Black Cream from Sweet Seeds
- Light watering at day 8, 10, 14, and 17 with 100-500mL of plain ph’d water
- First feed was on day 21 (pic) with 1L containing 0.5mL CalMag, 1mL Big Bloom, 0.5mL Grow Big. Measured at 530ppm/6.5pH
View attachment 1009085

Plant 4 – Amnesia Auto from Canuk Seeds
- Light watering at day 8, 10, 14, and 17 with 100-500mL of plain ph’d water
- First feed was on day 21 (pic) with 1L containing 0.5mL CalMag, 1mL Big Bloom, 0.5mL Grow Big. Measured at 530ppm/6.5pH
View attachment 1009087

Overall, I know they aren’t severely stunted, but they sure don’t come close to what I see in other peoples grow journals by day 21. Hopefully someone has some ideas or suggestions that I can try out on my next few plants. Also, feel free to ask additional questions if needed.

Thanks and happy growing!
Doe's your light look kinda like this? If so, did you use those hieghts on your grows?
@rick-j it is similar but only has two cob lights, not four. It’s advertised as 400W but pulls 200W actual.


I have been trying to keep it at 18” from seedling to veg, then keep around 12-14” during flowering.
Wow, that's close, I got these about 4 years ago, the directions say 0.5m- 1.5m--according to different growing stages. I think that is 19.6" to 4'10.5"? I've got them at about 28" now, mabey i'll try lowering a bit, Thanks for answering
Ahh cool. Well here is the image from the amazon listing which shows it’s recommendations.


I had talked with someone on the forums which recommended the 18” veg/12” flower for shorter grow areas. So there is probably an argument to raise and go higher as this graphic suggests. But I do have limited vertical space as my tent is only 4 1/2 foot tall.
... what's the ppm's of your adjusted feeds going in? I asked around about the CaliMagic,.... "maybe" is the best I got- :doh:...I'll go to a friends horti-store and test this if I can,...
No worries @Waira

I live on a lake which my house uses for it’s water. It comes in through a charcoal filter and a UV filter before getting to the taps.
Then out of tap, it measures at ~60ppm and 6.9pH. This can fluctuate a bit due to seasonal changes within the lake.

I’m also going to run a few tests with how each additive affects the measurements when I have some extra time. Planning to mix up 1mL/L for each and see how those levels change.

For another example, I just recently mixed up 2L with 1mL CaliMagic, 5mL Big Bloom, 2mL Grow Big which measured at 625ppm.