Help Identify Mites Please


Still learning a lot!
Cultivators Club
Nov 1, 2018
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Currently Smoking
VAPING: Go-Go Auto, Bloody Skunk Auto, Cream Mandarine Auto, Deez Nugs, 24Caratx3BOG, amazingly-tasty-unkown-strain
Morning everyone,
could someone help me identify these two really fast moving mites? Ones look like predatory mites but the others have a reddish shell... both move fast, really fast. They came in the soil of some redwigglers I bought recently. Besides the two mites, I can also identify spring-tails in the soil, but those brownish red mites I dunno... not sure if the ones with the shell are the same other ones but more mature or just a different type. @hecno @WildBill would you mind taking a look and the vid? One of the shelled one comes out at sec 0:24 and at around sec 00:32-35 the other type comes out and actually crosses paths with the shelled one, and another shelled one can be seen towards the end of the video.

Thanks in advance. I'll try to get a better shot ASAP.
Are soil mites beneficial?

Soil mites are beneficial arthropods that help break down organic matter in the soil. This can include fungus, leaf litter, algae – basically any naturally occurring item that finds its way onto the ground. Some soil mites even eat very tiny bacteria and nematodes that would otherwise harm soil health

Compost mites. Mites are the second most common invertebrate found in compost. They have eight leg-like jointed appendages. Some can be seen with the naked eye and others are microscopic. Some can be seen hitching rides on the back of other faster moving invertebrates such as sowbugs, millipedes and beetles. Nothing to worry about.