Help i got bugs

If you gonna use the dunks be patient enough to let them actually do their job, they take some time. I used them and was impatient. Get some yellow stickies and if you get neem oil just read the bottle for directions.

I ended up with neem oil dunks and yellow stickies. Big inline fan helps too keep air constantly flowing.

Good luck it is a battle.
Neem oil is safe for your plants. And on outdoor plants you can use it into early flowering as sun and rain will break it down long before harvest.

So i just spray straight Neem oil , do i spray everything and will it burn my plants.. Thanks for help
Neem oil is safe for your plants. And on outdoor plants you can use it into early flowering as sun and rain will break it down long before harvest.
Hey pop i got like 3 weeks till chop. Is that enuff time for neem to evaporation so i can smoke the plants
I've used it that late. Wait a week then spray your plants good with water to speed up the process. I had spider mites in the greenhouse last summer and got rid of them by simply spraying the plants using a garden hose. Set it to a fine spray at low pressure, spraying the under side of the plant as well as the outside. Got rid of all my bugs that way and they didn't come back.

Hey pop i got like 3 weeks till chop. Is that enuff time for neem to evaporation so i can smoke the plants
Sweet , thanks for the knowledge brudda:d5:Tuesday i should have my neem .2 more questions if ya don't mind.?
Does the neem have a smell and or does it leave a scent on the dried finished canna?

It has a sort of citrus scent when applied. Being organic the smell fades as the oil decomposes. I've never smelled it on my harvested buds.

Neem tree byproducts are also used as herbal medicine:

Sweet , thanks for the knowledge brudda:d5:Tuesday i should have my neem .2 more questions if ya don't mind.?
Does the neem have a smell and or does it leave a scent on the dried finished canna?

I've used neem oil forever along with a few other oils. I had burned a plant once, and I had a horticulture book I was reading at the time that addressed the burning. It's said that after an oil dries it's effectiveness wears off. Since then I wait 12 hours sometimes less depending on the oil used and spray with regular Ph'd water. One thing too consider is the stomata, rinsing oil helps your plant breath better. Over the years using neem oil I didn't do that for a long time and didn't seem to bother the plants but it's something to think about. Essential oils, volck oil definitely needs to be rinsed after dried. Hope this helps.
... :dizzy: can't make out doodly, mate,.. reshoot please, turd specks are often a sign of thrips,... I see the squiggle looking thing that could be leaf miner (a caterpillar species),....
I agree def could be leaf miners. Had them on my basil and it looks like a silver imprint of a wormy squiggly thing. And it LOOKS kinda like it in the one pic. Hard to tell though