Wow thanks guys this is why i joined this network. I used the tiger bloom as soon as it showed sex and i think thats what threw them a loop and im also having drainage problems ive since corrected that by adding perilte and vermiculite to newer plants. But cant risk transplant with the bigger ones right now. I started using my 2-2-2 Organic fertilizer again and they have picked up and are getting color again the big fan leafs are still yellow but the flowering has not slowed and she is still stretching around a inch a day. im on my way today to get ph fixer now. I will post a pic of it today to see if you guys can spot any other issues thanx for all the adice
here is the new pics take in account this is after lights out so the drooping is normal the color is improving except for the bigger fan leaves but as you can see she is streching like crazy and is flowering nicely. What do you guys think? i also bought granulated Limestone today and was wondering what is the best way to use it.


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Your bottom fan leaves are yellow because the tops are pulling the nitrogen (a mobile element) to feed their growth. As long as you fix this quickly, no worries. At this stage they are
sacrificial; as the plant grows they will just fade away and fall off anyway. But you must correct this deficiency quickly so it won't continue spreading up the plant; that can be catastrophic. And I'm afraid your 2-2-2 organic won't do the job, that takes too long to integrate into the plant. She needs the Grow Big and Big Bloom nutes, and at this stage it won't hurt a bit to include Tiger Bloom into your formula.
Limestone won't help you until you can re-mix a new batch of soil, it must be amended along with extra perlite / vermiculite, and whatever other amendments you want to use. Until your next grow, use pH adjusters in every nute, molasses and water application.
Only other thing I would recommend is to start some Low Stress Training (LST) on your girls. Here's a link to a fellow grower's thread who was so kind as to allow me to post an LST tutorial on this thread, Have a read, starting on Post # 98:

Get that taken care of and let us know how she looks. You should see the yellowing stop spreading within a couple of days.​
My 2-2-2 is a liquid fertilizer derived from bat shit,kelp, and a bunch of other stuff. Plus im using a wee bit of rehydrated chicken manure as dressing on top of soil. Last time i used tiger bloom at 1/3 the recomended strength and she got burnt a little bit think i used it too early. I have since also mixed my own soil i added way more perilite, a bit of vermiculite and the recomended amount of lime. Just figured id see if anyone had a way of using it in another way for a plant already growing. Far as LST i thought about it but some people are telling me its too late to train and that it has to be done when in veg. Theres so much misinformation out there thats why i joined AFN to get real auto growers feedback. The yellowing has stoped along with the drooping. Thanks for helping me out ill keep everybody updated on her recovery.
Glad she's doing better. Final comment about the LST during veg only, nothing could be further from the truth. You NEED to continue training your plants as long as they are stretching, and as long as the top cola is still showing dominance. And even if you got complacent and did not train during vegetative growth, she will still benefit from training now. It's the auxins compound that makes your top cola dominant & receives most of the growth energy. If you bend her over slowly, say over the course of a week, then the side branches will have a chance to compete and their size will increase an order of magnitude. You can easily double your yields doing this by improving bud quality on all secondary branches.
Anyway, bestaluck to ya!