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Get yer gardening fork out & start working on your soil, if you have any rotten organic material in your garden dig that in to lighten the soil up and help it drain.

Are you able to start your plants in pots or do you have to plant the seeds straight in the ground? if you can grow them in pots for the first few weeks I reccomend getting a few bags of new horizon peat free organic growbag (for fruit/tomatoes). you shpuld be able to pick up atleast 3 bags for under a tenner, some places cost more, some are less. work your soil (but dont over work it) so its lighter & better draining as you dont want compact poorly drained soil. then lightly dig in the grow bags so you have a few inches on top. once your girls in the pots (if you can grow in pots to start) have shown sex plant them into te growund you worked. and you wont need to do much else other than keep them watered. and I definelty reccomend you get some liquid seaweed to go tierh your waterings every few weeks.

If you have to start directly in the ground this wont be the best way to start as the compost is to hot for seeds/seedlings.

also this is only one of a million ways to go and im sure tere will be lots of offers of help for you. your definely in the right place though :D
wow that sounds great :D...ill get me form n shovel out and recruit my bestfriend and go and dig out me plot :), tbh i was planning on doing the whole thing in pots as i didnt think there was much i could do to fix the soil :D but this sounds alot better, i will definately start them in pots then as that sounds like great advice :~) ... luckily i do have an old compost pile my dad made years ago before the garden went feral :) so although old i should be able to sift through and mix it all in :) also i do have a few bags lying around of compost lying around but im not sure what they are so i'd have to check later but would be great to hear what you think of thems :)

also i was planning on buying some feminized autos so i wouldnt have to bother with any males :)

finnally how deep should i go into the soil? just a foot or so or deeper?

thanks for the help man, i know im in the right place, your reply and everyone being so nice has certainly shown me that :D
fork down as deep as you can but only to open the soil up, dont just dig it all up. that old compost heap sounds good, do you know what was put in it? is it just gardnen waste or is it food waste aswell?

Do you have a hight restriction for your plants? also be careful of getting anyone ... even best friends into help you. life is fucked up, things happen, its bes tto keep it to yourself and yourself alone. all it takes is one slip of the tounge and someone else will know,...
when I say fork down as deep as you can I dont mean dig to austraila :P just ram your fork in the ground and pull it to the side to open the soil, and repet over the entire area
this guy is more of a brother than a friend tbph like we act like we're siblings (in a good way, not the argue all the time way) but hell i understand the whole secrecy thing, and so does he, we live by the loose lips sink ships motto :)

and for the compost heap, im fairly sure it was mostly gardden waste if not all, only the odd apple or so, its been left there for probably 5 years :)

oh and as long as they dont get above 5 foot they shouldnt be visible, but the lower the better tbh :P im kinda worried my parents might notice xD...but i cant see my fat old dad rambling over 10 foot of stingers and brambles xD....luckily i know a secret way through ;)
Have a look at the bad bettys in the seed shop Automatic Seed I can personaly vouch for them doing well outdoors in the uk, they dont have a very strong smell when growing, and the taste/effect is exellent. I love bad betty, grow it every year now. the colors are amazing to look at. definetly got the "thats fucking cool!!" factor
do you use the automatic seedshop? like is it good and reliable etc? cause im unsure as to where to buy my seeds (i need all the standard shit, stealth discretion reliability etc :) ) also is it connected to these forums somehow?

they look seriously badass, sounds like something i'd love to grow! will allmost definately buy somes....any other recommendations? i'd like to grow about 3-4 plants, but if theres some really cool stuff im open to doing more, and i'd love variation, would be great to grow 1 or 2 of each strain :D

last question did you get your avatar so big? i tried all sorts but mine wont be bigger than 50x50 :P which is almost pointless xD
do you use the automatic seedshop? like is it good and reliable etc? cause im unsure as to where to buy my seeds (i need all the standard shit, stealth discretion reliability etc :) ) also is it connected to these forums somehow?

Heard nothing but great things about the strains in the seed shop. You're getting high quality strains for low quality prices. Some of the breeders are members of this site.
seed shop is linked to the foum and is safe and secure and post is stelthy. I recomended it as its the only place you will get the bad bettys and the breeder is a highly respected auto breeder and part of this forum. I thought the bettys woukd suit you as they wont stink the place up and have been breed outdoors. the one strain i reccomend everyone to grow outdoors in the uk is short stuff Mi5, however they can get fairly stinky. they grow into monsters! huge yeilds, exellent smoke mmmmmmmmm mi5. loads of seedbanks have them, dopeseeds has them in stock
sounds great! almost certainly going to order some spirit 51 and some bad betty off of automaticseeds now :) i chimed in on the spirit 51 thread and it sounds great, and grew so fast, and ripster sounds like a great guy :D hopefully ill get some mi5's aswell (which was one of my original thoughts) so hopefully ill get at least 1 female of each going in the next 2-3 weeks (if the bad betty and spirit 51 come in stock soon :P)