Outdoor Hello the Girls!

May 31, 2015
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So, here are me three little beauties. i think they're about three/three and a half weeks now. I stuck the seeds (lowryder) direct into some pots of Levington Multi Purpose Compost (with added John Innes) and have kept them indoors next to the window. I did try them in the loft where there's a velux but i worried it was a bit too cold up there. I've also taken them out into the garden for a couple of hours when it's been hot and bright.

My question to the panel is - when should I take them outdoors for good - and a cheeky supplementary question, should I be adding anything to my soil?

Thank you for having a look.

cheers chaps and lady chaps


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You can put them outdoors if you like now, try to protect them from wind though because they might get blown over.
You can put them outdoors if you like now, try to protect them from wind though because they might get blown over.

Thanks for your advice. I might have a little pop at that.V.worried though that (as you rightly say) they might not stand up to the wind at the mo.... let's see what tomorrow brings.
put them outside if temps are warm enough, use a plastic bottle/cup with ends cut off to protect them from strong winds. If you want them to amount to anything youll need a larger pot, Id say 1 gallon minimum but 3 would be better...
put them outside if temps are warm enough, use a plastic bottle/cup with ends cut off to protect them from strong winds. If you want them to amount to anything youll need a larger pot, Id say 1 gallon minimum but 3 would be better...

that's great advice. thank you Treeman! at what point would you make the transfer to the larger pot?
The Repot is complete. Being a novice I was shitting myself! Thanks to Arty Zan, I got a bag of biobizz and set to work.

and another. not sure whether to give them a quick water or to leave it. any advice gratefully received!

Nice - I grew Lowryder 2 last year - not a great crop but a tasty smoke (I like higher CBD content which can replace some of my prescribed opiates). I add a bit of Growmore (the dry pellets), Bonemeal and some Sulphate of Potash into the spots where I'm growing (preferably a week or so in advance), but your pots look pretty large already. Lowryders aren't large and will probably be quite happy in those pots. For my outdoor (flowerbed grow) I normally just start in a small pot then create a large hole filling it with Growmore compost with added nutrients and a bit of perlite to help keep a loose structure., then an inch of the normal garden soil over the top to try and hide the fact there's a gallon + of good compost hiding under that 'weed'. Of course it depends where your growing outdoors and how discreet you have to be or if you can stay in pots.

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These were taken just before / and just as flowering started. It's not a big plant and doesn't need a huge space.

I'm trying out Purple Ryder among others this year - will keep you posted how that goes. If you suffer from cold damp conditions tho I will add that I found mould a problem last year and it only takes a couple of days for that to set in. So keep an eye on them if its wet towards harvest.
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