Live Stoner Chat Hello, need some help.

Jun 6, 2012
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I was referred to this site by a a friend. Not sold on the whole autoflower idea. Can someone point me to a thread on benefits of autoflower. Top questions would be, can they be feminized, don't they produce very little, and top is, can they be cloned, if there is no way to control flowering?

Welcome Zatoichi....benefit thread..hmm dont know but Im sure alot of afn'rs will come in to post a bit on them..for you ques.. they can be feminized..they can produce more than a ounce depending on the strain and your growing style/ is possible to clone some...some autos..I would say mainly the bigger ones..but they do continue their life to flower so no way to control their flowering its set in their DNA.
Greetings Zat and welcome to AFN
You can buy fem auto seeds
If grown right they can produce very well
You can't clone most autos

Check out some of the Bud of the Month threads and you will see some great examples of what can be done with autos. Also search for some of seymour-buds threads, he does amazing things in DWC (hydro) and always gets huge yields.
For me I grow autos for two reasons... 1- I don't have a lot of space to grow in and 2- I only grow for personal use and it's enough to keep me and my girl fat and happy with quality smoke.
Another question is, do they do well hydroponically??? Have not seen any mention of it in the posts I have read. Do they have different nutritional needs than non-autoflower??
Hey bro, good to see you came to pop by. Man, there are a TON of grow journals around here with info on autoflowers. Personally the benefits in my mind are that they can handle 24 hours of light a day even while budding if you chose which means they can definitely grow faster and shorten the cycle. They are more agressive and faster growing plants. My "Think Different" plants are BLOWING my Skunk plant out of the water as far as growth. I planned on taking a few clones of the Skunk if it grew even moderately fast, but I'm not going to bother. Auto's can be feminized. Coloidal Silver and other methods work as well as with any photo plant. Nowadays they are coming out with auto's that produce MASSIVE amounts of bud (almost a pound) in under 90 days from seed to harvest off of one plant. A lot of people hate on autos man, but it's totally unfounded. A lot of it was true not too many years ago. Some hard core photo growers still hold on, but you won't see anyone bitter about that over here. Everyone just keeps on blasting out killer plants and sampling killer smoke. If 6 -Think Different-, or
-Auto Mazar- plants don't give you more than enough weed to last a bit you smoke too much, lol. They can be cloned, but since auto's generally flower due to a combination of age, and plant size it's not really worth it. By the time you root a clone a lot of time has went by and yield is reduced. It can be done, but generally isn't. There really isn't any way of controlling flowering that I know of, but I'm kinda new at it myself. You just plant em and some they start flowering right after seedling stage basically. The auto's they are coming out with now match the yield, and potency of most photo plants.
Check out this grow by Seymour Buds. Also, look at some of Seymour Buds other grows. He does an awesome job bringing plants to their full potential, and detailing exactly how he does it. Since it was a test grow he kept a detailed log and kind of long but it gets pretty damn good after the first couple pages. It's "Think Different" by Dutch Passion as another auto that will make people "think different" about autos. This was a test grow and Seymour had nothing to go by at all. Had no idea what to expect, nutrient sensitivities or what have you. That fucker still came out at 356 grams on one plant under LED LIGHTS. Before that he grew out their Auto Mazar and got like 250 grams with LED lights. Dutch Passion is really on their game when it comes to breeding auto's. I've actually got 3 -Think Different- plants going now. Just ordered another 7 of those and 3 Mazar seeds earlier today. I'm not good with the search function here, but just check out the -What's New- Tab for a couple of days and check out what people are growing over here. Decent medium sized plants, and pretty good to killer yields for under 3 months. Auto's are like good cakes that throw a steady quarter ounce every cake. Easy, and Plenty enough for you and the family but if you want to grow multiple pounds of mushies for some odd reason ;) you're best bet is Mono's, lol. Photo period plants definitely have their place, and always will as MJ becomes legal and farms begin growing the shit, but to ditch the dealer, and have plenty left over auto's are MORE than sufficient, fast, and easy. I'll throw you some links from here as I see somethings that you may be interested in.
Dude, they do AWESOME in Hydro. Check out that link I sent you in my last reply. Read through that thread and see what an auto is capable of in hydro, lol. No different nutritional needs. Same as Photo's man.
Welcome to the site man! Many of these points have been covered but I wanted to add on and reiterate. Autos are ever so wonderful. If you don't believe me, look how happy we all are here! We are the most positive Cannabis forum on the internet. There is a ton of great info and knowledge already here and logged. I can point you to several grows with high yields. Shit, Jackal got somewhere around 7 damn ounces off of ONE MI5. If that isn't enough for you then I just don't know what to tell ya friend. haha. Potency is level with or better, don't believe the hype. Autofems are very popular, browse around and google it's everywhere. Strain are growing everyday, new ones left and right. LED is great, hydro is great, outdoor is great, everything.

Only one I can't go on and on about is cloning. That's just generally a no go with Autos. But with their lifespan and overall plusses you can't go wrong IMO. Take care dude!
Dude, they do AWESOME in Hydro. Check out that link I sent you in my last reply. Read through that thread and see what an auto is capable of in hydro, lol. No different nutritional needs. Same as Photo's man.

I dunno man, I think they still have different nutrient needs. Autos are finicky about nutrients, especially early in life. They prefer to start clean and work their way up IMO.
Dude, they do AWESOME in Hydro. Check out that link I sent you in my last reply. Read through that thread and see what an auto is capable of in hydro, lol. No different nutritional needs. Same as Photo's man.

yeh i think squid is right... even for photos there are different feeding charts for hydro systems and soil, so im pretty sure its not the same. if you mean they need N P K etc then yes but in different strengths if they are recirculating, draining to waste etc. even different strains will need different strengths and as a rule autos generally wont be able to take as much feed as a photo atleast not early on. its just something you have to work upto to find their limit for the most part.
it is very easy to stunt autos because of this.
Thanks everyone.

Taviddude, Are you an expert on hydro nutrients???? I do not like to start unnecessary threads, but want to know what the numbers on the side of fertilizer bottles mean. Such as to get the percentages they say for hydro solution, how much needs to be added. Miracle Gro says 1 tablespoon per gallon. Does it vary by manufacturer. Will start a thread otherwise. I am not used to searching on this site either.