Howdy Howdy PhxRocker. Why not take advantage of Arizona Med. M and obtain a card if you qualify. This will allow you to visit dispensaries from time to time and grow too. Most importantly, you will protect your kids from any unexpected problems. Remember, even one plant in bloom can make ones house smell like a commercial grow house upon opening the front door (not a bad smell but a give-away). Kids will be kids and before you know it the word spreads. From what I gather AZ has a fair MM law and is properly managed. Just a suggestion, however, you have a good time here and good luck.
Hello Alan!
First of all...yes, we do have a medical marijuana program here in AZ.
They allow you to get your card and start growing at home (which is what I want to do), but unfortunately the dumbass, hypocritical governor & attorney general in this state have blocked the dispensary portion of the medical marijuana least for the time being.
Right before the mmj program was to be fully implemented here back in April, they went to court and got a temporary injunction on the dispensary part of it saying that she was afraid that if state employees issued dispensary licenses, then those state employees may be subject to federal prosecution for complicity in "illegal drug trafficking/drug sales", since it is still illegal under federal law.
What a crock of BULLSHIT!
The governor & AG were VERY vocal opponents of mmj in this state when it was being voted on, and they were none too happy when it passed (although I'm very proud that I helped vote it in!

So of course now they have a personal vendetta against the mmj project, and are trying to do everything they can to sabotage it. They have claimed that they are waiting on a decision in federal court before they will allow the dipensaries to open. Of course, they know this will undoubtedly take months & months or even YEARS to decide...and what do you think the feds are gonna eventually say?
That it's illegal of course, so then they will never allow the dispensaries to open.
Of course, their fake "fear of state employees being prosecuted" by allowing the dispensaries is complete and utter bullshit, especially since NO state employees in ANY other mmj state are being prosecuted for allowing the dispensaries...NONE!
This is the bullshit that we've had to put up with in this state!
AT LEAST they are still issuing grow cards, but the requirements to get one are far more strict than in California. In California, all I would have to do to get a mmj card is claim insomnia (and have their fee) and I would be issued one.
Here in AZ they require that you have YEARS of doctors documentations/test/xrays, etc to prove that you really have that particular ailment. They try to make it as hard as possible to get a card.
BUT...I have heard rumors of a few doctors locally that will provide that documentation, as long as you have their fee

. So after the first of the year I'm going to definitely try that route. It would make me feel a little safer.
If not, I'm still gonna do it tho. I'll just make sure to use carbon filters & ONA gel and hopefully that will take care of the smell.
Thanks for the welcome!!:thumbs: