How do you make your hash? It looks fantastic
Heya brother@Dudeski,like some great 1 run type hash!!!
here U go mankind no offense to my old friend Bubbleman,
just i came up with this long ago, like 15 years or more.........about the time cannabis sites online started,
like and Cannabisworld/Cbay!!!
Good old Bubbleman had come up with making different sized mesh bags, and you could get 5 or more?
i seen how ice hash was done at OG,then as i was making my home made wine, using this fermenting net!
Fits right over the 5 gallon buckets and costed 7 dollars back then, still only 8 bucks now at those Homebrewing/Beer/Wine making stores...

Cool history on how i started there folks, handle!
SO,i figured let me see if just running the beaten trim threw that fermenting net would work,,,i did as they did first in that ice hash method.
Got 1 huge 15 gallon bucket for the mixing tub, with ice cold water in it, and the trim....using those hand mixers,beating the trims about 5 minutes...
Then what i do is have a 5 gallon bucket, placed under the sink(mop sink)with that fermenting net over the bucket,,,after beating trims i also rinse!
Taking hand full or 2 of trims from the mix bucket into the net under sink, turn on cold water slow, and rinse off all trichomes that are stuck to trim,,,
i tumble and squeeze the trims while the water runs over it, after rinsing and making sure it looks clean, throw away the balls of rinsed trim out...
now, i do way more than just 1 rinse bucket after beating the trims in the mix bucket ok, more like 4 or 6 total rinse buckets i do this way, making sure,
i have gotten most of the trichomes that will stick to the sudsy water in that mix bucket now i have the rinse buckets that the trichomes fall threw,
that fermenting net down into the water in the 5 gallon rinse buckets,,,plus the huge mixing bucket with the main amount of hash in it most the time.
Then,after i have finished beating all the trims, or crushed dry bud as i use lots of times' let the buckets sit for about 30 to 40 minutes just to let all,
the trichomes in the water to sink,,,,trichomes are heavier than water and will sink just like sand,, the hash will be on the bottom of buckets!!!
NOW,the real filtration part,,,,a bed sheet cut into long strips about 1 foot wide an 4 feet long to do the runs!
All you do from here is, take another empty 5 gallon bucket, place in sink, with the fermenting net over it, plus the bed sheet strip right over net,
the bed sheet, or pillow cases are perfect for catching ALL trichomes, and only letting the water go threw it, leaving you a hash slick like mud on sheet!!!
Puddles of water will develop on the sheet, and what i do to get the rest of water off, is just lift the sheet to 1 side and the water goes threw the clean sheet...
you must go very slow in lifting the sheet/filter to 1 side not to mix up the hash into the water draining off.....after that happens as in the pics above, you get the,
HASH on the sheet, now with a fillet knife,, scrape up the hash an place in small pieces on tin foil, then try to dry over a warm TV cable box, to dry over night.....

You must make sure that it dries out pretty good in 1 night, or it will mold, after a few days out in the opens bag it up!
Made way over 100 grams dry this run, and as i say a 1 run and done HASH is cool with me...

Hope U got that, if need help just ask again my friend, the best part is i really rinse off that trims, never loosing anything!!!